Breitbart: A U.S. federal court has indicted a teacher from New York and his twin brother on explosives charges for allegedly stockpiling destructive material at their residence in the Bronx and paying students to make bombs, among other crimes, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced.
Both defendants had been allegedly manufacturing explosives at their residence.

When searching the defendants’ residence, law enforcement recovered the former teacher’s backpack, which contained an index card with handwriting that stated, “UNDER THE FULL MOON THE SMALL ONES WILL KNOW TERROR,” reveals the DOJ in a press release.
The alleged criminals have been identified as 27-year-old twin brothers Christian and Tyler Toro from the Bronx, New York. ABC News learned from law enforcement that there is no current or active threat at this time in connection with the twins. The charges do not imply any terror-related offenses.
Citing the criminal complaint, DOJ reports:
On or about December 4, 2017, a bomb threat was called into a high school in Harlem, New York (the “School”). Shortly after a student was arrested in connection with that incident, CHRISTIAN TORO, who was a teacher at the School, resigned.
After CHRISTIAN TORO’s resignation, TYLER TORO returned to the School a laptop computer (the “Laptop”) that the School had provided to CHRISTIAN TORO for use in connection with his employment. A School employee found, on the Laptop, a copy of a book that provides instructions for, among other things, manufacturing explosive devices.
Several students reportedly told authorities that the former teacher paid at least two students nearly $50 per hour to help him make explosives by breaking apart fireworks and storing in containers the powder that came out. The students visited the Toros’ residence between October 2017 and January 2018, the court documents state. read more
A couple of years ago, the whole class would have been invited to the White House.
You can buy all types of gunpowder from any gun store. It doesn’t make sense that they were paying students $50 per hour to unroll firecrackers. But criminals are stupid.
So what’s the problem? It’s not like they had guns.
A couple of Kaiser Wilhelm’s little Nazi assholes!
I’m wondering if the twins are illegal aliens?
New York hired criminals illegal aliens. The name is Spanish so just New York the mayor let criminals illegal aliens to be lawyer, teachers, nurses, everything he don’t give a crap is purpose is to let the criminal illegal aliens in New York be free to do anything. Move over black mayor socialist don’t give a shit about you guys.
Interesting facial growth.
Must be radical Amish.
FINALLY! A teacher that’s TEACHING, and NOT molesting their students!
an unfortunate name for a muzz terrorist
they were planning to blow up the kids
If the DOJ busted them, they must be Russian.
“…helping him make explosives by breaking apart fireworks and storing in containers the powder that came out. “.
What are these guys, 12 years old?
$50 bux an hour? Where do I work?
What happened to all the explosives that weren’t there?
Rat Fink,
Kaiser Wilhelm may have been many things, but being a Nazi was not one of them.
Kaiser (Emperor) Friedrich Wilhelm was Germany’s leader during WWI, and died in 1941 at 82 yo. If he was a Nazi, it was in name only, and not in any leadership position.
Now they’re arraigned and charged, they need a speedy trial followed by a first class hanging. Tomorrow.