NY Times Admits Obama Admin Deployed Multiple Spies Against Trump Campaign In 2016 – IOTW Report

NY Times Admits Obama Admin Deployed Multiple Spies Against Trump Campaign In 2016

Federalist: Following months of angry claims by journalists and Democratic operatives that the Obama administration never spied on Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times admitted Thursday that multiple overseas intelligence assets were deployed against associates of the Republican nominee. It is not the first time the Times has revealed widespread spying operations against the campaign.

In addition to noting that long-time informant Stefan Halper was tasked with collecting intelligence on the Trump campaign, the Times story details how a woman was sent overseas under a fake name and occupation to oversee the spy operation. The woman’s real name is not mentioned in the article, though the Times says she went by “Azra Turk” and has a relationship with an unidentified federal intelligence agency.

Halper was handpicked by a seasoned FBI counterintelligence agent out of the New York office, according to the article. While the Times does not identify the agent by name, the paper says the FBI agent spoke at a conference organized by Halper about a 2010 case involving Russians posing as Americans. The public schedule for a 2011 conference hosted by Halper about the exact same case shows that three FBI counterintelligence agents were invited to speak on the topic.

The three agents publicly identified as speaking at that conference on the topic are George J. Ennis, Jr., Alan E. Kohler, Jr., and Stephen M. Somma. Ennis currently serves as the special agent in charge in the FBI’s New York office, according to his LinkedIn profile, and worked closely with Preet Bharara, former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, a virulent anti-Trump activist whom the president fired in 2017.

The public schedule for a 2014 conference led by Halper shows that Kohler also spoke to the same group about the same Russian case on May 9, 2014.

“Alan Kohler the FBI representative at the United States Embassy in London will talk about the challenges of modern counter espionage: including the case of Anna Chapman and other Russian illegals,” the schedule noted.

A representative for the FBI’s office in Norfolk, where Kohler worked as of March 2017, said he is no longer with that office. The representative, who refused to provide her name, did not say when or why Kohler left that office or whether he was still employed by the FBI. The FBI’s New York office did not respond to queries about the current employment status of Kohler, Ennis, or Somma.

“Turk,” the U.S. intelligence operative who claimed to work as Halper’s assistant, had previously been identified to George Papadopoulos, whom she targeted, as a spy who rather blatantly tried to plumb him for information about Russia and other topics. After the Times published its article on “Turk,” Papadopolous wrote on Twitter that she “clearly was not FBI” and instead “was CIA and affiliated with Turkish intel.”

“She could hardly speak English and was tasked to meet me about my work in the energy sector offshore Israel/Cyprus which Turkey was competing with,” Papadopoulos wrote.  more here

9 Comments on NY Times Admits Obama Admin Deployed Multiple Spies Against Trump Campaign In 2016

  1. The deep state is cornered and more dangerous than ever. If we had an independent press rather than a democrat rum propaganda machine, we wouldn’t be in this position. They have totally screwed the country over.

  2. Old democommie ploy
    Squeal just a little bit on their rat selves
    so when the real charges are pressed they can
    claim but “that’s old news”.

  3. Hold on there pardner…according to Sen. Sheldon – I got stuffed in a locker in junior high for being the same weasel back then – Whitehouse, the word “spy” is now considered unacceptable to describe….spying. (AG Barr’s response was priceless.)

    NYT’s and other lefty media outlets are in scramble-mode damage control, as they should be…they have been exposed for the useful idiot liars and cheats they are.

  4. I hope like hell that Mueller is implicated in some of the crooked goings on. I know Trump would love to pay back all the attention lavished on him.

  5. People are asking if Obeyme knew about the dossier and everything else. Think about it, can’t you picture him bent over the bed while Mike is pumping the hell out of him while reading the dossier to him?
    “Yeah babe, read the part about the prostitutes and the bed again! Oh god, yes!!!”

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