NY Times Gets Feminist Flack Over Story About Dads Bumbling at Home While Wives Marched in Washington – IOTW Report

NY Times Gets Feminist Flack Over Story About Dads Bumbling at Home While Wives Marched in Washington

Independent Women’s Forum:

I love watching the liberal media eat their own.

One of the gazillion New York Times stories about the Women’s March on Washington this past weekend was headlined: “How Vital Are Women? This Town Found Out As They Left to March.”

NYT reporter Filip Bondy seemed desperate to prove his feminist chops by painting the scene over inauguration weekend in upscale Montclair, N.J. (median family income: $96,000) as a latter-day Lysistrata, with helpless men thrown into convulsions of domestic chaos after their womenfolk headed south to Washington, D.C., “Dump Trump” signs in their hands and bright pink “pussyhats” on their heads.

Newser sums up Bondy’s story:

“Routines were radically altered” as women were noticeably absent from home, Starbucks, and yoga studios, Filip Bondy wrote. One sports writer even missed a basketball game to care for his kids, and when the women returned, “many fathers exhaled in relief.”

Bondy probably thought he did good. Isn’t it a convention of TV sitcoms and commercials that men are such bumbling, useless fools that they can’t even run their wives’ washing machines?

Uh, uh–Bondy, you blew it. Don’t you know that in today’s egalitarian households, husbands actually do the same amount of housecleaning, dishwashing, laundry-folding, and childcare as their wives? Or at least we wish they would, and maybe with enough nagging….

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12 Comments on NY Times Gets Feminist Flack Over Story About Dads Bumbling at Home While Wives Marched in Washington

  1. The men cannot win on this one. If they act like they are relieved to see their wives, the woman is mad because he’s not an “equal partner.” If he acts like it’s no big deal that she was gone, she gets mad because he didn’t miss her and thnks she doesn’t make a difference in the household.

    Oy vey!

  2. If those beta males would have anything to do with that group of alpha females, they were home dealing with butt hurt and PMS, still in their onesies and drinking hot chocolate, arranging flowers, dreaming about styling hair, watching Richard Simmons videos on how to twitter, sashay, and lisp, pouring through home decorating magazines, watching chic flicks while bawling, cuddling their cats, checking out San Francisco vacation pamphlets, and flicking thru Figure Skating shows.

  3. A fella at work suggested we go downtown during the hysteria march and ask the crowd: If you are here, who is at home taking care of the kids and making dinner for your husbands? I’m sure it would have went over well!

  4. But just imagine all happiness when all those thin, healthy, long-haired American beauties finally came home, chirping and flitting around the house like birds, so feminine and charming and so tiny and delicate. A whole day without their fair maidens and those boys were panting on the front porch, tortured, just waiting for their long-legged, waif-like, doe-eyed American beauty to come back and sashay, wobble and wiggle around the house in her daisy dukes and high heels. Bathed in estrogen again after a whole day without it! Oh joy! Oh youth! Nothing like a wonderful, girly-girl to give meaning to a man’s life in the USA. American girls! They’re irresistible! Don’t you just want to grab ’em and kiss ’em and hear them squeal and giggle! Just lift those tiny, loveable little things up into your arms and carry them upstairs for a night of indulging in the wonders of feminine charm.

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