NY Times To Dems: Please Get Ready To Lose In 2018 – IOTW Report

NY Times To Dems: Please Get Ready To Lose In 2018

American Lookout: It’s not very often that you see the New York Times admitting that Democrats are up the creek without a paddle. But a recent column by writer Frank Bruni does just that.

Take a look at this:

Democrats, Please Get Ready to Lose

There’s a saying that what matters isn’t winning or losing. It’s whether you beat the spread.

But what’s the spread for Democrats in 2018?

Is the spread — which means the predicted margin of victory or defeat — gaining the 24 seats in the House that are necessary for a majority in the chamber? That’s certainly doable. I could argue that it’s probable.

But I could also make the case that Democrats fall five, 10 or 15 seats short. And I could imagine a demoralization that shadows and thereby dooms the party in 2020, when the stakes are even higher.

12 Comments on NY Times To Dems: Please Get Ready To Lose In 2018

  1. Should be interesting after the next election. They’re stark raving mad now, I can’t wait to see them explode with rage. Maybe it’ll reach a point where we can get some long overdue payback.

  2. My neighbor is a born-and-raised-in-Berkley Communist-Dem. She’s over 70, and plans to live another 20 years. This would not make her happy…I on the other hand, would be ecstatic. Shame on me.

  3. It can demoralize the left, and cause them to stay home, however, it’s more likely they will desperately vote like crazy and cheat as much as possible and hope the G.O.P. will get over-confident and say, “I don’t need to vote, we got this one.”

    Nope, I’m voting my Ossoff and giving a lift to whomever needs it.

  4. This is a good prediction that leaves me feeling hollow.
    I wouldn’t feel hollow if Mitch M & Paul R and the GOP earned the defeat of the Dems. The haven’t.
    The Dems earned it all by themselves by zealously un-American & mentally unstable.

  5. Here’s a trend I’ve noticed over the last few decades:

    Whenever the Democrats win a lot of elections, all the pundits say the Republican Party may be finished, or at least washed up for quite some time to come.

    Whenever the Republicans win a lot of elections, all the pundits say the Democrat Party may be finished, or at least washed up for quite some time to come.

    Somehow, though, it never seems to happen that way.

    So I tend to take such pronouncements cum grano salis.

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