NY woman charged after video surfaces of unattended 9-month-old crawling in busy roadway – IOTW Report

NY woman charged after video surfaces of unattended 9-month-old crawling in busy roadway

FOX: A woman from upstate New York was charged with child endangerment after a video surfaced showing her 9-month-old child crawling around a busy roadway.

Ledrika Ford, 27, was charged on Friday with endangering the welfare of a child after a video surfaced showing her infant child crawling around a roadway, unaccompanied. The video posted on Facebook also showed several people attending to the child, according to a press release from the Utica Police Department.

Police launched an investigation shortly after learning about the video.

After hours of searching, police were finally able to track down Ford.

She told police that she was not sure how the child ended up on the street. Ford said she was with a relative and while they were in the vehicle the infant was secured in rear seat but shortly after when she turned to look in the back, she saw that the child was no longer there.  more here

19 Comments on NY woman charged after video surfaces of unattended 9-month-old crawling in busy roadway

  1. Aw, what the fuck?
    It’s legal to kill it in utero, but not on a busy roadway?
    Sounds hypocritical.

    So the state took them, to turn them into serial killers, perverts, socialists, and what-have-you?

    Yeah, just keep everyone off-balance and make every act criminal.

    Maybe she should have eaten it, as suggested on that earlier thread …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “…in addition to the 9-month-old, a 1-year-old, two-year-old and 5-year-old were also removed from the home….”

    Ledrika’s only 27 years old. At this rate, she could pop, ah, say, another ten to twenty of God’s Little Blessings (on the taxpayer dime) ….with assorted daddies so that the DNA gets properly mixed up — in case there might be a potential Beethoven in the mix. ….Lady in Red

  3. Her story is bullshit. It would take a very long time for an infant to crawl that far. The worthless cunt was partying somewhere, probably taking it up the ass for opioid hits or some similarly trashy shit.

  4. Ledrika.
    There was a study commissioned under the obama admin, claiming black job applicants were purportedly discriminated against & less likely to be called for an interview v white applicants based on solely on names.
    Gee, ya think?

  5. Relative was a Utica patrol officer for 4 years, before he joined state police. According to him, Utica is the left armpit of NY, Amsterdam is the right.

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