NYC 9/11 Top Cop Bernard Kerik: FBI Must Classify ANTIFA as a ‘Domestic Terror Group’ – IOTW Report

NYC 9/11 Top Cop Bernard Kerik: FBI Must Classify ANTIFA as a ‘Domestic Terror Group’

Breitbart Radio: Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik told Breitbart News Tonight Thursday evening that the FBI should classify Antifa as a “domestic terror group.” He offered his remarks in an interview with SiriusXM hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

Kerik’s comments were made during a discussion of left-wing activists threatening and intimidating Tucker Carlson’s family on Wednesday night outside of the Carlson family’s home in Washington, D.C.

Kerik said, “In the most minimal definition of terrorism, it’s the unlawful use of violence and intimidation — especially against civilians — in pursuit of political aims. Antifa is a domestic terror group. I strongly believe that the FBI and the Department of Justice should classify them as such.”

Kerik recalled, “Back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, we had to deal with the Weather Underground, the Black Panther Party, the Black Liberation Army, the Sam Melville–Jonathan Jackson Unit. There were a number of these anti-American leftist communist socialist groups that were doing exactly what Antfa is doing today, and those groups were doing more, which is what I’m afraid of. I’m afraid this will escalate to much more severe violence. Back then, there were bombings [and] assassinations of police officers. It really got out of hand until the FBI classified these groups as domestic terror groups and started to go after them as such.”

Kerik stated, “I think the cities they operate in have to create local ordinances and laws that prevent them from being and remaining anonymous. They have a lot of courage when they have these masks on and nobody can see who they are or identify them. They wouldn’t be standing out there if they didn’t have the ability to remain anonymous.”

Kerik remarked, “I think the FBI and the Department of Justice should lock them up. Lock them up for violating people’s civil rights. … They are trying to intimidate, harass, and threaten [Tucker Carlson] in an attempt to prevent him from doing his job as a member of the press.”

Kerik called for investigating Antifa’s funding and management.  more here



2 Comments on NYC 9/11 Top Cop Bernard Kerik: FBI Must Classify ANTIFA as a ‘Domestic Terror Group’

  1. The crazies seem to walk on the outer fringe of the law to escape retribution for their treacherous acts. They are creating a pressure cooker atmosphere in this country with no relief valve and the level is reaching dangerous levels.
    What comes next is a guess but it’s a certainty it will be ugly.


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