NYC Ignored Detainers On Illegal Immigrant Who Attacked NYPD Officer – IOTW Report

NYC Ignored Detainers On Illegal Immigrant Who Attacked NYPD Officer

Lid: One of five homeless men who attacked an NYPD officer on a subway platform is reportedly an illegal immigrant who had multiple detainer requests from ICE ignored by city officials.

Officer Syed Ali, an Iraq and Afghanistan veteran, was recorded in a viral video that showed him trying to fend off multiple attackers without ever pulling his gun.

He was helping a woman who was being harassed at the subway station. The men didn’t appreciate law enforcement stepping in and repeatedly menacingly approached him.

“I’m trying to survive,” Ali told ABC News. “That’s the No. 1 thing.”

“I can’t tell you what would be the next thing, other than that I want to go home,” he said. “I bet every police officer in this city thinks exactly the same thing: we’re going home.”

Ali, who’s married and lives in Brooklyn, spoke publicly about the altercation for the first time as his three alleged assailants were awaiting arraignment on charges including riot.

“Justice has been served,” Ali said.

He fought off the attackers one by one using his baton and his feet as weapons. As a result, nobody was seriously hurt, though the officer would undoubtedly have been justified in using further force had he feared his life was in danger.  more

7 Comments on NYC Ignored Detainers On Illegal Immigrant Who Attacked NYPD Officer

  1. The Mayor and the second most corrupt city council in the country are ignoring federal law and in doing so are jointly and individually liable for any damage their actions may cause. I know there are laws protecting politicians from civil suits but surely they don’t protect them from legal action while they are breaking the law.

  2. Sure, it’s admirable that he was able to defend himself and no one was seriously hurt. However, the reality is that those POS thugs will just find more victims to terrorize. He would have done society a favor by putting each and everyone of them 6 feet under.

  3. I’ve created an “Utility” comment that I can just plug in on every thread today:

    What we really need to do is rise up as one against the D’s and accuse their party of dereliction of duty to the jobs they were elected to do and to stop wasting the Peoples’ time and treasure running all these expensive tax-paid “investigations” and sending millions upon millions down their rat holes AND for destabilizing our markets and our societal welfare by inciting violence by Americans against Americans.

    The Democrat Party is a criminal organization: Corporate planning and attacks on free elections through fraud; slanderous and libelous acts and tying up our courts with orchestrated lawfare; giving cover to those whose mission is to destroy our Constitutional Republic, like CAIR, CPUSA, The Muslim Brotherhood, George Soros; laundering money through public unions, Planned Parenthood, foreign nationals (some of whom have direct ties to terrorism); strong-arming (extorting) organizations and people with their Mafia tactics.

    They are the real obstructors of justice at every turn. We must get to the bottom of every injustice perpetrated on the United States by the Clintons, their foundation and her use of the gov’t to confer favors. We must get to the bottom of how obama and clinton used our Justice Department (DoJ, FBI, NSA, CIA, and all the satellite orgs) to perpetrate and obstruct justice.

    We must root out and destroy these criminals in every way possible.

  4. We really need to start curtailing the federal funding to any state that flaunts, obstructs, or otherwise ignores the laws by acting like this as well as “ballot harvesting” and other forms of voter fraud or these leftists and deadbeats are going to drag this nation down to Venezuela!


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