NYC Mayor Adams laments lack of help from Biden admin on migrant buses – IOTW Report

NYC Mayor Adams laments lack of help from Biden admin on migrant buses

I think they have been not understanding the full depth of this crisis.”
Of course they do. Don’t be dumb.

17 Comments on NYC Mayor Adams laments lack of help from Biden admin on migrant buses

  1. “a policy of two large, hostile southern states to punish ‘liberals’ in New York for Washington’s policies.”

    There are at least two laughable ironies in his lament. He considers the border states hostile for diverting a fraction of the invaders in his direction, and he admits that the diversity liberals claim to celebrate is actually a punishment when in their back yard.

  2. “I think they have been not understanding the full depth of this crisis.”
    Speak Engrish much?

    They understand perfectly well. Texas and Florida are punking NY to exhibit NY’s hypocrisy. NY maggots preach shit as long as the crap falls on others – not so nice when it falls on NY.

    I’d tell Adams to Eat Shit but he enjoys sucking his own feces off others’ cocks – so he’d consider that a romantic suggestion – or invitation (ewwwwwww).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. If he thinks NY has a problem he should visit southern cities, towns worst affected by Biden’s act of treason. There should be a convoy of busses from leaks in the dam directly to liberal east coast cities.

  4. @ Anonymous OCTOBER 8, 2022 AT 1:11 AM

    It’s been a while and perhaps you are not familiar with what I have observed in 55 years of living in close proximity to Seattle and Portland.

    I can state unequivocally that I have absolutely no experience with a single, solitary committed activist leftist/progressive (and YES, that definitely included each and every establishment Republican I have ever come across) that has an altruistic bone in their body. Not a single fucking one of the somsabitches has the capacity for compassion or empathy on any level. Period. Full stop.

    They are motivated by either malicious intent or advancing their own agenda. Conceding “good intentions” to the rotten fuckers is never warranted and nothing but a trap.

    I listened to a podcast yesterday in which the host made the claim that Marx hated God, and that is where he left it. What he left out is where this hatred emanated from and if you have ever been around his followers the answer is clear. It is no different that the motivation behind their hatred and contempt for God’s greatest creation here on earth, every other member of humanity. The subhuman pieces of shit’s resentment emanates from envy of anyone who has anything they feel they deserve and have been cheated out of.

    How could it be any more clear that what they have shown the world over the course of the last couple years that they want what others have and if they cannot have it, no one will. Their wanton, systematic, deliberate destruction is out there for anyone to see at this point. What they resent most of all is that other people enjoy a joyous and fulfilling life irrespective of their financial circumstances or other limitations. This infuriates them no end and is exactly why they invest so much energy into inculcating in others a sense of entitlement to more, everything.

    They are straight up Satanists wrapped up in the facade of Christian charity. Which, by the way, they flat out reject except as a vehicle to use to advance their own agenda.

    Everything they do is motivated by malicious intent, forget that at your own peril. Their ultimate objective is to please their Dark Prince, Satan. There can be absolutely no other explanation when one looks at what has happened each and every time they have achieved critical mass, gained and consolidated power and have been able to implement their agenda. It has resulted in massive increases in innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    You need look no further than each and every large city in America. The amount of innocent human suffering, misery and death tracks their consolation of power. Not only that the increases in innocent human suffering, misery and death follow their rise in each and every case WITHOUT FAIL. These are not anomalies and they are not unintentional consequences of their actions, those would assume randomness that is completely missing. In each and every case innocent human suffering, misery and death tracks right along with, but slightly behind, their rise to and consolidation of power. Increases in innocent human suffering, misery and death are features of the progressive agenda and only someone totally out of touch with reality could fail to recognize that at this juncture. There is no randomness to the “unintended consequences”, not when they always fall the same way.

    This is intentional and it is deliberate and motivated by malicious intent. One simply cannot continue to continue to prescribe and do the same things that have resulted in increased innocent human suffering, misery and death each and every time they have been tried in the past, yet claim your intentions were good, unless by good what you refer to is to please Satan.

    That really, in a nut shell, is all there is to it.

  5. Perhaps Adams is realizing he’s been used as a tool-fool by Joe Biden and the Hochul woman. Interesting to note that no major democrat offered him any funds or assistance regarding these illegals, including none by puddinghead Joe Biden. NO ONE.

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