NYC Mayor Eric Adams Advance Team Official Says “F**K ‘EM” – IOTW Report

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Advance Team Official Says “F**K ‘EM”

Top Aide to NYC Mayor Eric Adams ADMITS Migrant Crisis is Catastrophic for the City … ‘Flooded Our System’ … ‘Eventually Going to Make Biden Look Bad’ … ‘I Don’t Know that Eric Adams is Capable Enough to Navigate it

F**K ‘EM: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Advance Team Official Reveals He Has ‘No Sympathy’ For Public Sector Employees Forced Out of Jobs Due to COVID Vaccine Mandate.

City Hall staffer fired after slamming city’s migrant response, cops.

11 Comments on NYC Mayor Eric Adams Advance Team Official Says “F**K ‘EM”

  1. The illegals are only pawns for them to exploit for sympathy in order to garner votes. It is a modern form of slavery. Keeping someone down and exploiting them for your own benefit. What scum the Dems are.

  2. Typical REgressive POS-of course he feelz no sympathy for people losing their careers and pensions for what should have been a personal medical decision.

    Have you seen some of the videos of the garbage, filth and debris on NY streets? Gee yathink some more employees would have helped? dems have turned our cities into shitholes. I’ve seen poverty and poor people in Mexico when I used to travel through but their towns & cities weren’t packed with garbage and there weren’t any homeless encampments.

    And a couple busloads of illegals “flooded their system”??? Good fucking grief, Texas has had 2 million+ come through their southern border in the last 21 months.

  3. That guy? says ‘like’ like really a lot, like he says it like it’s like the letter uhm…Like it’s used to like kind of hide his fucking croaky voice like forever…

    He won’t survive past the first wave of patriots or illegal alien trespassers….

  4. I wasn’t going to comment on this popcorn fart but Willies got me going. That faggot thinks he’s a 1980’s valley girl. Like, Like, Like. I want to see his resume. I’m betting HomeEcon, an A, After graduation, a Barista at Starbucks. Any Government within our borders abides by the Peter principle. We see it here is spades. We won’t speak of our commander and squaw. Nailed it Wilford.

  5. “That guy? says ‘like’ like really a lot, like he says it like it’s like the letter uhm…Like it’s used to like kind of hide his fucking croaky voice like forever…”

    One of my biggest pet peeves.

  6. Faggot sure didn’t have any qualms about southern states being overwhelmed because of northern state decisions. Efffum. NYC deserves every bit of pain they voted for. Effem. And FJB.


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