NYC Mayor Says He Doesn’t Feel Safe On Subway System – IOTW Report

NYC Mayor Says He Doesn’t Feel Safe On Subway System

DW: On Tuesday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) said that not even he has felt safe riding the city’s subway system.

Mayor Adams told the press about the time he took the train on January 1, shortly after he became mayor, and dialed 911 to tell officials about an altercation close to a subway station. He also saw a passenger shouting, and another individual asleep on one of the trains, as reported by ABC News.

“On day one, I took the subway system, I felt unsafe. I saw homeless everywhere. People were yelling on the trains. There was a feeling of disorder. So as we deal with the crime problem, we also have to deal with the fact people feel unsafe,” he said.

The tone is a shift from earlier in the week when Adams stated that the subway system is primarily not dangerous after a woman was killed when a person pushed her in front of a subway train this past weekend. more here

21 Comments on NYC Mayor Says He Doesn’t Feel Safe On Subway System

  1. No worries, he has ten people watching his back. No pushin or runnin near him. Fix it, no way, too many crazies out in the public. New York needs a new Arkham Asylum got to put the craziness some where.

  2. When I was young and had to take the bus, I dressed as raggedy as possible to get left alone.

    That probably wouldn’t work dow, because back then it was still illegal to beat and murder White people for being White, and there was actually a possibility it would get investigated and prosecuted.

    …now, not so much…

  3. Well, we all know why one feels unsafe on the subway. And we all know that exchanging one leftist mayor for probably another will not make a difference in how one feels on the subway (or any place else in the east coast version of San Francisco).

  4. New York now has a literally bat-shit crazy governor (to top it off, that that woman is on some kind of drug – her eyes are completely dead, but her mouths moves and says crazy shit.

    Now, this grade-C intellect of a mayor in NYC polluted by black supremecy ideaology. And we thought no one could be worse than Di Blasio?

  5. LCD-keep in mind that this jerkoff was just an empty suit when he was on the NYPD. He was hired a few yrs before me but we worked the same areas. Useless as the nicest breasts on a Nun. He started this org. called 100 blacks in law enforcement that care. Rolls off the tongue as smoothly as build back better, both barely sentence fragments.

    He never got his hands dirty, meaning for those that do not know, he was a pussy and never engaged anyone that needed engaging (or engagement) Total fraud, his life I’m talkin about


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