NYC mayoral frontrunner Andrew Yang caves to infamous Jew-hater Linda Sarsour – IOTW Report

NYC mayoral frontrunner Andrew Yang caves to infamous Jew-hater Linda Sarsour

Geller Report-

There was a time when it would have been unthinkable for a mayoral candidate in New York City to appease an antisemite such as Linda Sarsour. Those days are long gone. Now it elevates you in the party of Jew-hatred. Yang caving to Sarsour is not surprising. Why should Andrew Yang take a strong stand against the BDS Movement when the vast majority of New York City’s Jewish voters will vote for him anyway? If Jewish voters are not bothered by anti-Semitic hatred, then why should Yang alienate influential BDS supporters such as Linda Sarsour? more

6 Comments on NYC mayoral frontrunner Andrew Yang caves to infamous Jew-hater Linda Sarsour

  1. I think it’s more the Democrat Party being opposed to Christianity and anything related to it (Christianity bears a relationship to the Jews even if you don’t realize it) than it just antisemitism as a racist thing against the Jewish race.

  2. Leftists want to be our gods and want us to look to them for rights and needs, etc.
    They see islamists as the enemy of their enemy.
    That’ll come back to bite them on the azz.
    Islamists hate everyone but themselves and want the world to end.

  3. beachmom
    MARCH 4, 2021 AT 10:55 AM

    “Islamists hate everyone but themselves and want the world to end.”

    …they hate themselves too, as Sunnis and Shi’ites could tell you if they weren’t so busy killing each other when they can’t get to US…

  4. beachmom
    MARCH 4, 2021 AT 10:55 AM

    “They see islamists as the enemy of their enemy.
    That’ll come back to bite them on the azz.”

    …but to your point, each thinks they can get rid of the other once they’re done using them to get rid of US.

    The lefties are more duplicitous in their evil, but the Muslims are more savage.

    Both only fight in packs, and are cowards individually.

    Who would win?

    …sorry, but I don’t plan to let them conveniently kill me so they can find out.

    …guess we’ll never know…

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