NYC: Murder victim should have known ‘risks’ of public housing – IOTW Report

NYC: Murder victim should have known ‘risks’ of public housing

section 8 housing murder victim

The family of a college student murdered at her East Harlem housing project doesn’t deserve a dime from the city — because she should have known the “risks” of being on the dangerous grounds, city lawyers claim in court papers.

10 Comments on NYC: Murder victim should have known ‘risks’ of public housing

  1. yep, it’s all our fault for being dumb enough to live in high risk areas, or take a pleasant walk thru a sanctuary city

    and these insane morons want us to be unarmed too

    you simply cannot make this shit up

    i hate hate hate the left

  2. I read the Post daily, and shook my head when I read this article yesterday.

    This represents a new low for the city–and something that I don’t think would have happened under either Giuliani or Bloomberg. Heck, even that dim bulb Dinkins would have had the Corporation Counsel settle this one. This city, in these papers, is totally abnegating its responsibility to keep its citizens safe.

    I hope Crystal Brown’s case goes before a jury, and I hope the jury makes an award that will bankrupt the city. Then we can get rid of de Blasio, his cypher of a wife, the City Council, and everything else that has destroyed a great experiment in urban living, and start from scratch.

  3. I’m glad I’m not a lawyer; I’d get such a headache.

    1. Gov’t builds public housing for the poor.
    2. Poor move in, act like the poor.
    3. People get hurt.
    4. Gov’t says, “don’t blame us, they chose to live there.”


  4. They knew it was a snake pit when they accepted the free stuff.
    Even people who pay their own way are killed everyday by people who should be behind bars, deal with it.

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