NYC, other sanctuary cities “tired” of illegal immigrants influx – IOTW Report

NYC, other sanctuary cities “tired” of illegal immigrants influx

Natural News: Mayors of “sanctuary cities” New York, Chicago, and other large cities are past their breaking point and now struggling with resources due to the influx of illegal immigrants coming into their jurisdictions.

Most recently, New York City Mayor Eric Adams claimed that the mass migration of illegals into his city has led to an “unprecedented state of emergency.” The local government cited the lack of work authorization as one of the problems with “asylum seekers.”

“They do not have the authorization to work, so we have to provide shelter. We have supplied food and access to healthcare. We have enrolled children in schools. We have opened almost 200 emergency sites, including more than a dozen large-scale humanitarian relief centers. And we have assisted migrants with asylum applications,” Adams said. “But we are past our breaking point. … For each family seeking asylum through the city’s care, we spend an average of $383 per night to provide shelter, food, medical care, and social services. With more than 57,300 individuals currently in our care, on an average night, it amounts to $9.8 million a day, almost $300 million a month, and nearly $3.6 billion a year.” more

18 Comments on NYC, other sanctuary cities “tired” of illegal immigrants influx

  1. Stupid fucking liberal do gooder brain dead bastards? You assholes are ruining our country and you can’t figure out what has gone wrong. I hope the illegal masses swarm your unarmed constituents and everyone realizes we have to get rid of your no good asses if we are to survive. If you’re lucky you will have a good view just before you find yourself at the end of a rope.

  2. Who could have predicted this?

    It flies in the face of commonsense to think that people from alien cultures without jobs, skills, or money streaming into the US at a rate of thousands a month would overwhelm the resources needed to sustain them.

    This calls for redoubling our commitment to fighting dis/misinformation, climate change, and supporting Ukraine. It’s the only viable solution.

  3. They have been unable to get us to the streets (haven’t quite hit our breaking point yet) so they are overwhelming the system, and creating a sub-class of citizens who won’t have any problem taking to the street, thus forcing tptb to suspend even more of our liberty….. it’s going to get worse before it gets better. God wins!

  4. The solutions are simple and our “leaders” know what they are. All this chaos is planned and promoted intentionally to further destroy this country. We will live with the results forever. A pox on those who voted for Biden, Democrats and liberal policies. You are complicit in the destruction of America.

  5. Maybe those mayors should stop whining and send the illegals back to where they came from. That would be a better use of their resources. The solution is there,but none of them want to use it.

  6. What a fucking shame for NYC, finding out what border states have had to put up with for DECADES in just a few months. Your next step is shipping them off to Canadia, but I suspect they’re smarter than NY’ers.
    Maybe do a little research on what you’re inviting instead of basing everything on “Feelz”.

  7. What part of “sanctuary” don’t these sanctuary cities understand? New York, Los Angeles and similar sanctuary cities provide a safe space for illegal immigrants, and Texas is merely accommodating their virtue signaling (a policy which is likely illegal and unconstitutional in the first place).

  8. Meh. Cry more. Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas have been dealing with this on a sustained basis for decades. Deal with it. Maybe if the libs squawk loud enough, the border will get closed. It’s nice to dream.

  9. Now they know how Texas and other border states have been feeling for the last decade with a minor pause during Trump’s presidency.

    You claimed Sanctuary status, now live with it.

  10. Janet Mills, worst guv evah, announced a few weeks ago she wants to bring in 75,000 more illegals from Africa and Haiti in the next 5 yrs.
    The largest city in Maine, (pop. 1.3 m) Portland, has a population of 65,000.
    The Western and most of Northern Maine is conservative.
    We’re the third poorest and third highest taxed state in the country.
    These illegal third world bums are making more money than they’ve ever seen being on welfare.
    The avg welfare take in our state is almost 71,000 with no time limit. They’ll never work and never leave unless forced to do so.
    We have tent cities now because of easy welfare. Most of those people are white Americans who came looking for easy welfare granted by the liberal legislature and guv.
    Most of the Rs are too afraid of being called raaaycis to say anything. Wimps.

    The papers are almost all owned by Soros. So no reports on NY and other cities complaining and in trouble.
    Mainers are largely ignorant and/or from out of state.
    Pray for us

  11. the nimby dummies are getting robbed & car jacked in their own driveways/garages

    your preezy biteme cut the razor wire at eagle pass TX & welded open the border wall in AZ where thousands of military aged men are streaming thru & coming for your wives, daughters, sons, & your shit

    welcome to the border assholes


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