NYC: Police Bureau Chief Violently Assaulted – IOTW Report

NYC: Police Bureau Chief Violently Assaulted

GP: Bureau Chief Tina Moore was violently assaulted by a stranger on Tuesday.

Moore was punched in the ribs by a parolee with a long rap sheet and her case is going nowhere.

“I was headed to my desk at One Police Plaza downtown on Tuesday when I was punched in the ribs out of the blue by a stranger with a criminal record,” Tina wrote.

She continued, “Even though I did everything I could to help cops catch my attacker — shouting for help, taking pictures as he fled, flagging down an officer, reporting the crime, and helping police identify the suspect — my case is going nowhere, one of so many lost in the system’s inability to act on common sense.”

Moore was able to get a picture of the assailant. more

11 Comments on NYC: Police Bureau Chief Violently Assaulted

  1. Of course, everyone already knew the race of the perp without even looking. DUH! The black perp will get another slap on the wrist by the NYC. DA and be back out on the street in a jiffy to do it again to yet another victim. Some of these bastards need to shot on sight just because of their multiple crime sprees.

  2. you wanted it, you got it! now you’ll get it good and hard. keep voting democrat, utopia looks like this sometimes. I am curious though, as a police bureau chief, why was she not armed? if she was, why not plant the bastard?

  3. Karma is a bitch, bitch.
    You asked for it.
    You got it. Good and hard.

    I can’t file this under The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences, because anyone with more than one brain cell to rub together could see what was coming with the voting of DildoCrats into office, and their execrable catch-and-release-no bail policies.

  4. I feel bad for her.All though no attacks yet.6 neighbors and I
    have been terrorized & threatened for 7 years now by a extremely
    violent felon. The Govt. & Police here are corrupt.Many vids on
    my Youtube channel JOREL LAZER of the monster and his unemployed
    family terrorizing me. Mayor Bell has known about this for 7 years.


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