NYC school kids removed to make room for illegals – IOTW Report

NYC school kids removed to make room for illegals


New York City is not handling the influx of illegal immigrants well — and it’s American children who are paying for it.

When the children of NYC went back to school, 21,000 of them were turned away due to the arrival of migrant children.

At a high school in Long Island City, a line to enter stretched around the block.

“But don’t worry, a 15-year-old illegal immigrant from Venezuela said he’s excited for his first day of high school,” Sara Gonzales comments.

“Not so great, though, if you’re a child, an American child, in New York City being displaced by illegals,” she adds.

Eric July notes that most people who believe immigration won’t affect the country don’t realize that yes, America does have a finite amount of space. more here

10 Comments on NYC school kids removed to make room for illegals

  1. Boo frickin hoo. TFB. They got what they voted for. Cry me a river. Fools were all in favor of the government taking from the rich and giving to the poor. Dumb bastards will never figure out that to the illegally crossing the border, New Yorkers are the rich. Effem.

  2. Great, now the public school teachers can make the illegal’s kids Just as confused as the the New York kids.
    I’m sure they will love the new Woke Shit…

  3. Same here in Maine regarding housing. The state is allowing more and more welfare, they call it “affordable”, housing to be built and letting the non profit companies that build it to publicly announce only the Africans can apply.
    For the first time we have tent cities.
    The schools are neglecting American students in favor of illegals and hiring hundreds of ESL teachers.

    We used to be a purple state until out of state leftists moved here. The state GOP are going right along with it.
    Now the state funded hospital, ME Med is pushing for universal health care.

    Liberals turn everything they touch to dumps.
    CA did it, now NY & ME.

  4. — and it’s American children who are paying for it

    Everything progressives do is motivated by a compulsion to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death. Nothing new or surprising in this.


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