NYC: Shoot Somebody and Get $1,000 Per Month – IOTW Report

NYC: Shoot Somebody and Get $1,000 Per Month

PJM: Cap a thug and you’re hired! New York City Commissar Bill de Blasio is pushing a plan to pay young gun bruisers $1,000 a month to stop shooting people.

It’s called the “Advance Peace” program and here is how it works: a young “gun enthusiast” shoots someone—an opposing gang member, a cab driver or an innocent bystander, it doesn’t matter whom. The victim dies and the shooter will be paid $1,000 a month to stay out of trouble AND spend time with an older ex-jailbird, oops I mean “neighborhood-change agent” who will show the misguided youth how to live life without shooting people. more here

13 Comments on NYC: Shoot Somebody and Get $1,000 Per Month

  1. I have no words on how stupid this is. I like Florida’s approach: 10-20-LIFE

    Basically, the 10-20-Life criminal statute means:
    Requires a 10 year prison sentence for certain felonies when the accused possesses a firearm
    Requires 20 years in prison when the gun is fired
    Requires 25 years to LIFE sentence if someone is injured or killed
    Requires a 3 year prison sentence for Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon
    The prison sentence must be served consecutively (after) any other prison sentence

  2. Here is my suggestion:

    Steal a gun and go to federal prison for ten years PER GUN, no parole no early release.

    *Possess a stolen gun and go to federal prison for five years PER GUN, no parole no early release.

    Possess a firearm in which the serial number has been altered in any manner and go to federal prison for five years PER GUN, no parole no early release.

    *Law enforcement agencies have 24 hours after any firearm is reported stolen to enter it into a database that is available to the public or they lose 100% of any federal funding for a year. If your negligence results in charges filed against an innocent person, you serve any time they were facing.

  3. Shoot someone and then get paid to not shoot anyone else?

    So can I qualify after I shoot say … Wilhelm himself ???

    Cripes these dumb governing jackasses are SHAMELESS !

  4. Wouldn’t shooting somebody in the first place require some kind of long prison sentence without pay?
    What am I missing here murder used to be kind of frowned upon at least.

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