NYC to send illegal immigrants to college for ‘free,’ Mayor Adams to stick taxpayers with $1.2M bill – IOTW Report

NYC to send illegal immigrants to college for ‘free,’ Mayor Adams to stick taxpayers with $1.2M bill

BPR: New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) has come up with the brilliant idea of sending at least 100 illegal immigrants upstate to get a “free” college education that will eventually cost American taxpayers in the neighborhood of $1.2 million just in the first year alone.

11 Comments on NYC to send illegal immigrants to college for ‘free,’ Mayor Adams to stick taxpayers with $1.2M bill

  1. He would save money (have more to steal for himself) if he simply handed out college degrees to the illegal-alien invading rat-people.
    The illegal-alien invading rat-people wouldn’t know or care what the difference was, just as they’re given driver’s licenses when they don’t know how to drive, they can get a Ed.D. without knowing anything about education, and demand that everyone refer to them as “doctor.”
    I’m sure the colleges and universities of NY would go along with it.
    The only costs would be the printing of the certificates and the presentation ceremonies.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Of course he’s sending them to college “up state”. Aren’t there a few colleges right there in NYC?

    Now that anyone with an IQ above room temperature has left NYC, they are left with idiots electing idiots to run the place. Idiocracy is real!

  3. The Maine Legislature is pushing a bill that will give all the illegals free (to them not taxpayers) health care.
    Our town of 23,000 people has already raised the general assistance budget from $850,000 to over $12,000,000 and we didn’t even get a vote!
    Woke leftist commies (from out of state mostly) have turned Maine to sh*&

  4. Tony R
    MARCH 14, 2023 AT 9:36 AM
    “Really? Did they bring their transcripts with them? Why not just give them a diploma; it only costs $0.25, which is all it is worth anyway.”

    …because this is REALLY about the grift.

    By spending other people’s money on other people, he doesn’t have to care how much he spends or if there’s any benefit. What it does is let him give billions to his buds in academia who will use it to indoctrinate and maybe kick a little back, al la “the big guy’s 10%”. He also gets to make campaign commercials, complete with the more photogenic of his border invading leeches, where he can crow about what a wonderful person he is for helping the poor downtrodden discriminated against refugee out and not even have to pay for the commercials since they will be broadcast far and wide under the guise of “news”.

    So Democrat politicians benefit.
    Democrat indoctrinators and their indoctrination facilities benefit.

    And they could give less of a shit about anyone else.

  5. How do I get myself declared an Illegal Alien?
    I wants summa dats Free Edumakation.

  6. Yeah and these “dreamers” will sue NYC’s school system for dropping Calculus because that is discriminatory, depriving these Lateenos of a useful education.

    Could you argue Ebonics is a step up for Spanish ??? lol


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