NYC’s ‘worst mayor ever’ is at it again – IOTW Report

NYC’s ‘worst mayor ever’ is at it again


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is being called out for his patently phony “wokeness” after offering 500,000 free Halal meals to the city’s Muslims during Ramadan.

Last week’s meal offer came ahead of de Blasio taking a much harsher tone this week with the city’s Jewish community, actually threatening to send police to round them up after attending a funeral for a rabbi in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg neighborhood who reportedly died from coronavirus.

According to CNN, the mayor and his administration appear to be making an extra effort to accommodate Muslims during their holy month of Ramadan. MORE

12 Comments on NYC’s ‘worst mayor ever’ is at it again

  1. MJA
    APRIL 30, 2020 AT 11:12 AM
    “What’s with Germans and their fascination with muslims?”

    …the Germans have used Turkish Gastarbeiters, or guest workers, pretty much since we killed off all their manpower in WWII, then rebuilt their factories to then modern standards with the Masrshall Plan, leaving it to them to staff them. Turks were next door, were kind of friendly because they were onboard with Germany’s 1940s position on Jewish people, and were cheap, so that’s what they went with. The wartime Deutch 4Fs ran the place, Turks provided the muscle, and the Germans took over the luxury car market with brands we had been shooting at not long before that.

    I suppose they just got used to the paradigm, because the Turks are still there.

    And they brought freinds.

    Bow, since German youth grew up being indolent and dissolute since we not only killed 2 consecutive generations of their Alpha males, but also the whole IDEA of the Alpha male, the transtesticles dancing with each other in the Berlin night clubs don’t know what to do BUT let the chicks run the joint…and the Merkels seem to have an “Arabian Stallion” sort of fascination with the Muzzies, probably again because all the GERMAN men are betas.

    DB is likely just such a beta, but with no WOMAN to tell him what to do, the other default is to go all-Muzzie, all the time, as that’s where beta Germans get their muscle, so here we are…

  2. Kosher meals? No, but I got a nice new subway train just for you noncompliant hipster Jews! Just look at that tastefully rustic wood paneling, style resembling an old timey boxcar for that old world vintage nostalgia! Best of all, it’s FREE! All aboard, brand new shower facilities at the terminus! WOO WOO!

  3. …fun fact: in post-WWII Germany, Americab occupying forces had a BIG problem with underground fighters, almost guerilla warfare in places. Given that VE day was so heavily celebrated and a war-weary population back home didn’t want to hear that Germany WASN’T stomped out…so former Gestapo was rounded up, told to kill the insurrection…or the occupiers would kill THEM.

    …and so they did. Being Gestapo, they knew the insurrectionist AND had…proven…ways of persuading them, so they quelled it in short order.

    Later, Gestapo slid into…what ELSE…Govenment positions.

    …and so we find De Blasio’s muse…

  4. SNS,
    NO, NO, NO! Please!
    LET the goat fuckers drink camel piss!
    After all, it’s THEIR culture.
    And as the multi-culti Libtards will tell you, all cultures are “equal”.
    (and as an additional “kicker”, would you trust anything the WHO sez? wink-wink-nudge-nudge)
    To paraphrase Marie Antoinette, “let them drink piss”.

  5. @g: “Next step for DeBozo, $500 checks for illegal aliens.”

    his wife can cover that with the $800+ million US dollars that she ‘can’t account for.’
    If I lost 8 dollars, I’d tear the sofa apart looking for it. But no one is looking for the money he gave her. 800+ million dollars. Not even talking about it.
    If they can blatantly get away with that, he’s untouchable. They’re not nice people.
    gee, I wonder what kind of ice cream he has in his freezer?


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