NYT Columnist: Fight Home Intruders with Bear Spray Instead of Guns – IOTW Report

NYT Columnist: Fight Home Intruders with Bear Spray Instead of Guns

Make sure you spray the intruder on the legs and not in the chest and head!!!


Breitbart: New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof used an April 22 op-ed to advise his readers to consider using bear spray against home intruders instead of  firearms.

Kristof’s suggestion was couched in an op-ed written to persuade readers that having a gun in their home actually makes them less safe.

He claimed the idea that a gun in the home makes someone safer is actually a “delusion” and he linked to a study from 2017 to support his point.

Moreover, Kristof painted an image of the U.S. as extremely violent, writing, “Elsewhere, brutes send their victims to the E.R.; in America, they send them to their graves.” He then listed three examples to bolster his point, two of which were examples where shooting victims were sent to the E.R. and the third of which was a shooting death.

Kristof claimed that foreigners look at the United States in bewilderment, wondering why Americans are so in love with guns.

He pointed to Japan in particular, where he claims “fewer people are murdered with guns in a typical year than sometimes in a single mass shooting in America.” He did not discuss suicide numbers and the fact that suicides in Japan have been higher than suicides in the United States in recent years, despite stringent gun controls in Japan. more. h/t joe6pak.

28 Comments on NYT Columnist: Fight Home Intruders with Bear Spray Instead of Guns

  1. “He pointed to Japan in particular, where he claims “fewer people are murdered with guns in a typical year than sometimes in a single mass shooting in America.”

    Japan doesn’t have Black people that one of their major political parties spent the last 60 years telling them that White people are demons and anything they take from them by force is reparations, and killing them is a blow against racism.

  2. And when you buy bear spray for home defense be sure to get the kind that only affects bad guys. I can’t believe someone would be foolish enough to fire off some bear spray inside their house.

  3. Just wear an N95 mask! They stop everything! Just be sure to put them on all your pets as well, and always wear them just in case a thief shows up!

    Logic has no place in demwit politics. They will say anything to break the teeth off of the 2nd Amendment. We can’t be allowed to protect ourselves.


  4. “Kristof claimed that foreigners look at the United States in bewilderment, wondering why Americans are so in love with guns.”

    Kristoff (his nick name in high school was Jerkoff).
    Why should I care one Iota what foreigners, (who surrendered their rights), think about America or its citizens. That’s one of the problems we face in the US, what the surrender monkeys in our US government and the UN who think we should be disarmed.

    Bear spray? Shit, I use that for underarm spray deodorant.

  5. Bear spray? Shit, I use that for underarm spray deodorant.

    I’m 72and married, I go to the nursing home regularly. There are Many Widow Ladies at the facility. Because I am ruggedly handsome and generally adorable, bear spray deodorant either repels infatuated ladies or brings them to tears as I walk by.

    The only truth in the above paragraph is ~~”I’m 72 and married, I go to the nursing home regularly.”

    With long hair and long beard, I get few glances, but the ladies with dementia love meeting me for the first time every day. Sometimes they see a brother, son, neighbor or an old friend.
    What a blessing to have a pleasant conversation.

  6. Foreigners don’t have guns? How about all the wild eyed middle easterners running around with fully auto Kalashnikovs and RPGs? Why can’t I have an RPG?

  7. Bear spray is toxic, and the criminal will sue you for trying to poison him and take everything you own. If you blow the bastards head off, there won’t be any frivolous lawsuits.

  8. IIRC, something that I read was to the effect that since bears have have more sensitive sniffers, then bear spray is less potent then people spray. The only thing that bear spray may have over people spray is volume. But since I haven’t been looking, what do I know?

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