NYT Fact Check Nails Biden After First Speech to Nation Filled with Lies – IOTW Report

NYT Fact Check Nails Biden After First Speech to Nation Filled with Lies


Even the mainstream media is nailing the president for stretching the truth in his first prime-time address to the nation.

The New York Times fact-checked President Joe Biden’s speech Thursday night on the one-year anniversary of the coronavirus pandemic, and things don’t look good.

Although it didn’t call Biden out for lies explicitly, every statement it recorded was marked as either “exaggerated” or “misleading.”

The first “exaggeration” was marked in Biden’s opening, where he said that when the coronavirus pandemic first struck, Americans were “met with silence and spread unchecked, denials for days, weeks, then months.”

In more choice terms, this is patently false. Then-President Donald Trump wasn’t silent at all regarding COVID-19 in the first months.

By the end of January, he had already issued a travel ban against China, as all 200 reported coronavirus deaths had taken place in the country.

Then, in March, Trump addressed the United States from the Oval Office and extended his travel ban to most of Europe. keep reading

16 Comments on NYT Fact Check Nails Biden After First Speech to Nation Filled with Lies

  1. Color me shocked—

    The democrat party, i.e. Marxists, socialists, leftists, commies are ALL built on lies, that’s how they exist.

    The ONLY reason these asswipes are relevant is because too damn many ignorant people are held sway by the MSM.

  2. When it’s Biden, they call it exaggerating or misleading.

    When it was Trump, they called it outright lying.

    The rotten media smells worse every day. But the effect of reporting Biden’s gaffes is to get him out and Kamala in.

    Joe will bite the dust soon enough. Quiet assassination will do the job neatly, not a messy one like JFK. “First Lady” Jill ought to be planning for widowhood & maybe she’s looking forward to it.

  3. Sooner or later a couple of Secret Service agents wearing white lab coats and armed with large butterfly nets will scoop up Joe and take him away to a private government nursing home. Kameltoe Harris will be sworn in and it will all be forgotten. There will be ceremonies honoring Joe’s 50 year grifting career. Pelosi will read a proclamation making April 1st ‘National Joe Biden Day’ and Joe will finally be tucked away for good. The Biden family will be bought off with secret stimulus hush money set aside just for this occasion. Jill will accept the situation peacefully while living in luxury for the remainder of her time. Joe, on the other hand, will be wondering who crapped in his diaper again.
    And so it goes.

  4. …Joe will not be taken away or quietly liquidated. He will be very publicly taken out by a Deep State operative with an AR, who will be chased to a home where a Trump supporter who was at the Jan 6th rally is, who will be riddled with bullets and have the gun placed next to him.

    This will be used as the impetus for violent wholesale gun confiscation and a general warrantless round-up of known Trump supporters who will be held without bail as habeus corpus is suspended under martial law.

    …say what you will about the left, they not only never let a good crisis go to waste, but they are perfectly willing to make the crisis as needed.

    It’s coming.

    And they’re going to kill a lot of Americans before this year is over…

  5. Kind of reminds me of the scene in the classic Evil Dead movie. The line where the girl asks “what’s wrong with her eyes”? Biden’s eyes used to be blue, but they look fully dilated. Just black orbs. Creepy.


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