NYT Fails To Disclose Terrorism Conviction Of Op-Ed Contributor – IOTW Report

NYT Fails To Disclose Terrorism Conviction Of Op-Ed Contributor

Daily Caller:  

The New York Times has given precious space on its op-ed page to a Palestinian man leading a hunger strike in an Israeli prison. But the essay, from Marwan Barghouti, leaves out one crucial fact: he is in prison because he was convicted of killing five Israelis in terrorist attacks more than a decade ago.

A footnote to the op-ed describes Barghouti only as “a Palestinian leader and parliamentarian,” omitting any reference to his 2004 terrorism conviction.

In the piece, Barghouti, a leader in Fatah, a Palestinian political party, decries what he says is Israel’s unjust judicial system and inhumane conditions in Hadaram Prison, where he currently resides.

“I have been both a witness to and a victim of Israel’s illegal system of mass arbitrary arrests and ill-treatment of Palestinian prisoners. After exhausting all other options, I decided there was no choice but to resist these abuses by going on a hunger strike,” Barghouti writes.

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12 Comments on NYT Fails To Disclose Terrorism Conviction Of Op-Ed Contributor

  1. Perhaps factslady should stay in her snopes universe where there are unicorns and leprechauns and everything is made of rainbow colored cotton candy clouds. Double up on your meds while you’re at it too!

  2. Savage islamic psychos want to kill. Imbeciles at the New York Times want to appease savage islamic psychos. It’s a match made in heaven!
    Here’s hoping that these two groups of savages and imbeciles can get together… and leave the civilized world out of it.

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