NYT Flooded with reader hate mail – IOTW Report

NYT Flooded with reader hate mail

Daily Caller: New York Times readers are writing to the publication at a rate on par with what was seen after 9/11 with an angry message: “I expect more from The Times.”

That’s what reader Judy Barlas told NYTimes editor Liz Spayd for her article, “One Thing Voters Agree On: Better Campaign Coverage Was Needed.” Barlas supported Sen. Bernie Sanders, and felt like the Times pushed a narrative that then-competitor Hillary Clinton was always going to win the Democratic nomination.

Times readers are writing and calling the Times and commenting on articles in droves to express, according to Spayd, “a searing level of dissatisfaction” with the 165-year-old paper’s coverage of the 2016 presidential election. Complaints to the public editor are at five times the normal level; customer care is also seeing an uptick in calls.

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10 Comments on NYT Flooded with reader hate mail

  1. I see Trump cancelled their big get together this morning and of course the Times is acting all butthurt. He did it in a tweet this morning, calling them a failed newspaper.

    The truth hurtz.

    They went on to criticize Trump’s deliberative handling of his transition. Then just to cover their ass, they noted Obama/Jarrett didn’t make any appointments until after Thanksgiving too.


  2. Going to take the Times a long time to figure out why they lost, even longer before they admit their mistakes. And then do something about it? Ain’t gonna happen. Entire staff made up of blind-loyal radical leftists. They would rather tack hard left and go bankrupt than delve into honesty and fairness for the sake of survival. Buh bye losers.

  3. @judgeroybean: “They would rather tack hard left and go bankrupt than delve into honesty and fairness for the sake of survival.”

    Sounds to me like the perfect definition of the “left”.

    As for the “right”: They would rather completely cave to the hard left and go bankrupt than delve into honesty and fairness for the sake of survival.

  4. What would one expect from a propaganda rag that extolled the triumph of socialism and the saw the “future” in Stalin’s Holodomor?
    My goodness, but we have strange expectations.

    izlamo delenda est …

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