NYT: Hillary Might Have Won If She Had Acted More Like Merkel – IOTW Report

NYT: Hillary Might Have Won If She Had Acted More Like Merkel


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would have had a much better chance at beating Trump if she had acted more like German Chancellor Angela Merkel, New York Times senior editor Susan Chira wrote Saturday.

Chira compared Merkel’s highly successful under-the radar political strength to Hillary’s impassioned embrace of running for office as the female candidate in her piece titled “The World’s Most Powerful Woman Won’t Call Herself a Feminist.“

“Angela Merkel has spent her political career playing down her gender: shunning a feminist label, offering modesty, caution and diligent preparation as an implicit contrast to male swagger,” Chira wrote. She added that Merkel is simply Germany’s leader rather than Germany’s female political voice. “Her gender [is] immaterial.”

White women voted against Clinton in the primary and presidential elections gave into pressure from their husbands, fathers, boyfriends and male bosses, Hillary told NPR during a promotional tour of her book, “What Happened.” But Chira thinks there’s another reason why Hillary didn’t garner the votes she was looking for.  read more

8 Comments on NYT: Hillary Might Have Won If She Had Acted More Like Merkel

  1. Like a nazi? Ehh….yeah.

    The US populace is not completely stoopid yet nor are they gonna get the electoral votes to vote in our own hitler. Both biotches need a baseball bat massage.

  2. TWO reactions

    1) Oh boo hoo: the Viiiictiiiim of all those eeevil “husbands, fathers, boyfriends and male bosses.” CRIPES! Give me a break, sweetie.

    2) “Stealth Strategy.” Do you mean, be deceptive and lie about your true intents, like dishonest women…or do you mean actually become competent and prove ability to DO the job you’re applying for, like men?!

  3. The problem overall is that she’s too much like Merkel now to ever be elected. This issue of her getting the “popular” vote only reflects the vote making/ballot stuffing policies and practices of Kalifornia. Where does this crap come from?

  4. She certainly would have done better with the middle of the country if she acted like anyone else but herself. Whether that would have been enough to fool the enough voters to elect her, I doubt it.

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