NYT Hits Pence as ‘Proudly Out of Sync,’ Known for ‘Offending Gays,’ Could Be a ‘Dangerous Anachronism’ – IOTW Report

NYT Hits Pence as ‘Proudly Out of Sync,’ Known for ‘Offending Gays,’ Could Be a ‘Dangerous Anachronism’

NB: New York Times reporters Michael Barbaro and Monica Davey portrayed Donald Trump’s socially conservative vice presidential running mate as a potentially “dangerous anachronism” in Friday’s “Mike Pence: A Conservative Proudly Out of Sync With His Times.”

It’s all a piece with the mainstream media’s double standard in ideological labeling of the parties, with Pence as a troglodyte social conservative, but no ideological labels for liberal or left-wing potential Democratic vice-presidential choices, like Sen. Bernie Sanders or Sen. Elizabeth Warren. By contrast, The Times itself in Friday’s print edition wrote a flattering article on potential Hillary Clinton running mate Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, who carries a 90% rating (out of 100) from the liberal Americans for Democratic Action, without once giving him an ideological label (though being a “white man” is seen as a drawback).


15 Comments on NYT Hits Pence as ‘Proudly Out of Sync,’ Known for ‘Offending Gays,’ Could Be a ‘Dangerous Anachronism’

  1. Same crap at several of the REgressive sites I drop in on. They’re all singing from the same sheet. As if letting mentally disturbed people use any restroom they want is going to matter when the next box truck comes barreling down their street.

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