NYT Mourns End of ‘Fashion’s Love Affair’ With ‘Washington’ – IOTW Report

NYT Mourns End of ‘Fashion’s Love Affair’ With ‘Washington’

hillary outfit wtf?

NewsBusters: Almost two weeks ago Donald Trump was elected president, much of the news surrounding his monumental win has focused on snowflakes protesting the very democracy that elected their presidential candidate of choice – President Obama – to two terms, or a “who’s who” of Trump’s cabinet.

However, The New York Times Fashion & Style section tells the story of how the fashion world was thrown into a tizzy because they would no longer be styling or dressing what they thought would be the first female president of the United States. Instead, fashion designers and stylists will have to settle for a new First Lady – the stunning and statuesque former model – Melania Trump.  (Who knows?  Maybe they were secretly pining to dress Bill Clinton as the “First Man?”)


In an article titled “Is Fashion’s Love Affair With Washington Over?,” Vanessa Friedman recently shed some light on the fashion world freakout. Speaking about Clinton’s farewell speech, clad in one of her traditional Ralph Lauren pantsuits, this time, the color purple, Friedman believed that color not only symbolized the coming together or red and blue (Republican and Democrat), but it also symbolized “ the end of what might have been an extraordinary relationship. And possibly the end of fashion’s seat at the power table.”

That’s some pretty deep symbolism.  read more here


27 Comments on NYT Mourns End of ‘Fashion’s Love Affair’ With ‘Washington’

  1. They didn’t so much dress Mooch as they simply shaved her body hair to look like different outfits! With Hillary , she would have continued to use Mao’s ex-tailor to make her clothes!

  2. For the first time in 8 years, I will no longer be embarrassed by what the first lady is wearing. I will no longer have to look at a black woman dressed as an Easter egg, or a black widow spider. Class is back in the White House. No more ugly scowls either.

  3. The Mooch is a complete embarassment, Shrillary would have been even worse. The worst thing about them is not so much their ugly clothing or general unattractive looks. The worst is the ugliness and America-hatred oozing out of them from within.

    The future First Lady Of the United States of America is lovely and loves America and it shows!

  4. So far I think there’s been one fashion designer who’s stated that he won’t dress the First Lady (kind of arrogant presumption on his part as he hadn’t even been asked). I think when other ones get over the case of the vapours they’re having and get off the fainting couches they’ll be catfights galore about who gets the dress the most attractive and poised first lady in generations.

  5. @aleon — from your linked article (speaking on why the NY fashion world should not ‘dress’ Mrs. Trump):

    ““Integrity is our only true currency,” Theallet added.”

    Integrity is our only true currency(?) I tried parsing it and I still don’t know what this person means. Utterly pecksniffian.

  6. Well, I have to admit that making Melania Trump look good is certainly less of a challenge. The purpose behind Fashion Designers is that the dress is supposed to make the woman look good, not the other way around.

  7. That the NYT has sunk to this abysmal level proves again how irrelevant that rag sheet is now. I would not even waste the coins to buy a copy, much less insult any pets by using it on their boxes or cages.

  8. The fashion world is just worried that after 8 years of making a silk purse out of a sows ear, their creations will be seen as the sows ears they are, on an already silk purse First Lady.

    Old folk will get the reference.

    Old folk will get the reference.

  9. “Fashion’s love affair with Washington” ??
    I thought that ended when Jacquie Kennedy moved out.
    At least it SHOULD have.

    My mother would have called the butt hurt these losers are expressing as “sour grapes”.
    Judging by what we’ve seen so far, I think Melania Trump will be fun to watch.
    She is going to rock the so-called “fashion world” and they won’t know what hit them.

  10. @Chalupa — I can’t find the get up she was wearing when she photo-opped “volunteering” at some downtrodden place. Remember the pic from the rear where she is wearing that backward sweater, laced up, and she has what appears to be a lace tablecloth sticking out from beneath it cascading down her rear? I think it was in ’09 or ’10. She took some heat from the conservative alt-media for wearing $1,200 tennis shoes (I think they were gold metallic) to “help” at a food pantry, I think it was. It was sincerely bizarre.

    I stayed away from commenting on her physical appearance because, to my mind, it distracted from so many of the other things about her worthy of contempt. I still think she should be investigated for her so-called ‘job’ at that hospital in Chicago where she pulled down a sizeable salary and was involved in some other shady dealings as a board member with another company. I hope now that they’re leaving public office that we will get to the bottom of many of their illegal activities. ’09-’17 will go down as one of the blackest eras in American politics, on so many levels.

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