NYT: Palestinians Are Starting to Stand Up to Hamas, Reject Being Used as Human Shields – IOTW Report

NYT: Palestinians Are Starting to Stand Up to Hamas, Reject Being Used as Human Shields


Palestinian civilians are beginning to stand up to Hamas in the Gaza Strip, refusing to be “human shields” for the terror organization — a sign that the group may be losing its sway over the population as the war nears the year mark.

The New York Times reported Tuesday that civilians are rejecting their assigned role in Hamas’s battle plan — either to shield terrorists or to cause public relations damage to Israel in the event that it does attack Hamas in those areas. more

11 Comments on NYT: Palestinians Are Starting to Stand Up to Hamas, Reject Being Used as Human Shields

  1. There is no such country as palestine. There never has been, never will be. That land was given to Israel in 1968 by the UN. None of the surrounding arab nations want to deal with these people so Israel has to.

  2. I would give the “Palestinians” Titus’ answer at the overthrow of Jerusalem…

    “And do you still deem it a part of valor to die? However, I will not imitate your madness. If you throw down your arms, and deliver up your bodies to me, I grant you your lives; and I will act like a mild master of a family; what cannot be healed shall be punished, and the rest I will preserve for my own use.”

    3. To that offer of Titus they made this reply: That they could not accept of it, because they had sworn never to do so; but they desired they might have leave to go through the wall that had been made about them, with their wives and children; for that they would go into the desert, and leave the city to him. At this Titus had great indignation, that when they were in the case of men already taken captives, they should pretend to make their own terms with him, as if they had been conquerors. So he ordered this proclamation to be made to them, That they should no more come out to him as deserters, nor hope for any further security; for that he would henceforth spare nobody, but fight them with his with his whole army; and that they must save themselves as well as they could; for that he would from henceforth treat them according to the laws of war. ”
    -Flavius Josephus, “The Jewush Wars”, Book VI


    Kill the people, scatter the animals, burn the crops, salt the ground so neither seed nor stem can ever grow again.

    The only Mideast policy that ever actually worked.

  3. They are Arabs there is no such thing as Palestinian. They were part of the machine that kept prisoners from the Oct. 7 attack and they cheered it. F*&k the Arabs parading as Fakestinians. They need to be treated as they are uncivilized savages with a 7th century mentality.

  4. Remember during the ‘debate’ when Kamala mentioned that Trump brought the Taliban to Camp David to negotiate and she feigned outrage over a ‘terrorist group’ being there! Over and over. Doesn’t she remember when Bill Clinton brought the President of the PLO to Camp David to negotiate? A Terrorist organization responsible for bombings and hijackings. WTF??

    NO ONE pushed back on that!! I was so angry last night about the debate I could hardly sleep. So pardon me, if I’m repeating what other people have pointed out.

  5. Palestinian civilians are beginning to stand up to Hamas in the Gaza Strip, refusing to be “human shields”

    Oh isn’t that so up lifting… until you see that NYT is the source!
    Just more propaganda to spoon-feed to dumbed-down, gullible self-absorbed, White guilt-ridden, Gay-obsessed, Prius-driving, coexist bumper-sticker, bottled-water-drinking, granola-eating, celebrity-obsessed, Politically Correct, rainbow-plantation, smug, elitist, mind-numbed, Pali-flag-waiving Liberals!


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