NYT Reporter: Clinton Acts Like It Was Media’s Job to Get Her Elected – IOTW Report

NYT Reporter: Clinton Acts Like It Was Media’s Job to Get Her Elected

But they certainly gave it their best shot.


New York Times reporter took issue with Hillary Clinton’s continual assertion that the media was too hard on her during the 2016 election, saying that it wasn’t the media’s job to get her elected.

CNN’s Brian Stelter took a look at Clinton’s recent book tour and her repeated complaints about the media on Sunday’s “Reliable Sources.”

“I don’t think the press did their job in this election,” Clinton said in an interview with Vox.

Amy Chozick covered Clinton for the New York Times during the campaign and said that the media needed to do some soul searching, but it wasn’t their job to elect her.

“The way she presents it in the book is a little bit like it was our job to get Hillary Clinton elected,” Chozick said.    more here

24 Comments on NYT Reporter: Clinton Acts Like It Was Media’s Job to Get Her Elected

  1. This falls under “No good deed goes unpunished.”

    The media volunteered to help. Spun stories, killed stories, attacked, attacked, attacked so that Lesbo McCankles could keep her cloven hooves clean.

    And now she’s going to blame US for not winning???

    This is the Jon Stewart patented “Clown Nose On, Clown Nose Off” defense from Stelter.

  2. It WAS.
    She has entirely too much baggage to get elected herself.
    Not to mention that she’s a thief, a liar, and a murderer (OOPS! – not supposed to mention that!).

    So, yes, the heavy lifting fell to the media – and they did their snot-bubbling, nose-picking, ass-slapping best – even while being pranced around a rope like show ponies.

    There was no depth to which they refused to descend – no humiliation too great – no lie too bold – to stop their self-denigration in support of their ideological masters.

    Their vile subservience was on display even to the most abject morons.

    She lost because a turd sprinkled with glitter is still a turd.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The only reason it was a close race is because the media *did* carry her while providing 24/7 negative coverage of Trump. They covered for her lame rally attendance (not to mention Kaine who often drew crowds of 10 or less), they covered for her lack of rallys in key states, they provided daily bogus polling data, they covered up and mocked anyone that wanted to discuss her obvious health issues, they never gave her a hard ball question, they fawned and doted over her every move, they let her redo interviews, they never pointed out how she refused to do a public presser or how she kept them blocked from her big donor events she attended regularly while ignoring WI and OH. Not to mention they rigged the debates, it was obvious she had questions for the first debate prior to the debate. Hell most of them probably figured out how to vote multiple times for her. I can’t imagine what else they could have done to get her sick, pyscho, corrupt fat a$$ into the White House.

  4. “Our job was to inform voters about their choices and how those choices would impact their lives, whether it was about Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or any other candidate,” she said.
    OK, why didn’t you do that?
    Are there no journalists anymore, just hacks colluding and opinion jokes?
    Now you see the character of the woman you supported, thankfully the electorate took less time than you dear.

  5. “not their job to get Clinton elected”? I call 100% total complete bullshit on that. The entire MSM acted 24/7 like it was their job to get Clinton elected, just like they did for B Hussein Obama in ’08 and ’12.

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