NYT Reporter Whines About Getting Booted from Trump Rally, But Here’s the Reason Why She Was – IOTW Report

NYT Reporter Whines About Getting Booted from Trump Rally, But Here’s the Reason Why She Was

She didn’t have the credentials to be there, and lied about it.

8 Comments on NYT Reporter Whines About Getting Booted from Trump Rally, But Here’s the Reason Why She Was

  1. Lets be real. She was kicked out because she is a mutt and brought down the the whole score of the Hot Conservative Chicks.

    Bark Bark Bark!

  2. An NPR reporter was arrested at the St. Francis hospital where she was part of the BurnLootMurder crowd trying to block the ambulances from getting those two shot sheriffs to ER. According to the report, she ran up on the officers trying to clear the entrance and interferred with their efforts. They body slammed her to the ground and arrested her, too. She was there without credentials and didn’t ID herself as press, either. For all intents and purposes, she was part of BurnLootMurder. Now she’s trying to hide behind her status with NPR and the press club in D.C. is aiding her.

    Today, the press club in D.C. is demanding to know why she was arrested “that way”. Goons.

    BurnLootMurder was shouting at the police, “We hope they die!” and “You’re next!”

    Get with the program, AG Barr!!! These are Domestic Terrorists. How much more ‘evidence’ do you need?!

  3. Kudos to President Trump’s security team. They identified a demwit Antifa rat “reporter” and had her “extracted” – terminating the effectiveness of her poison pen report. LOL!


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