NYT: Scientists Studying Privilege, Inequality in Animal Kingdom – IOTW Report

NYT: Scientists Studying Privilege, Inequality in Animal Kingdom


Scientists, the experts we rely on to tell us how to live our lives, have been studying privilege and inequality among squirrels and other animals, according to the New York Times.

It all began as a conversation among behavioral ecologists at UCLA: “They saw how COVID-19 was highlighting health disparities and other inequalities around the world,” the Times reports. “The scientists began to wonder if they could learn more about inequality by studying it in animals.”

The experts began searching for examples in the animal kingdom of human concepts such as privilege, inequality, and intergenerational wealth. “When we started looking for it, we found lots and lots of examples,” Dr. Jennifer Smith told the Times. “To see this across so many different species was quite surprising. And we’re just touching the surface.” read more

23 Comments on NYT: Scientists Studying Privilege, Inequality in Animal Kingdom

  1. Rats are underprivileged. They are forced to live in dumps and eat garbage.

    Snakes have been verbally abused for millenia – how would any human like to be constantly called evil belly crawler?

    Cockroaches have miserable lives – even worse than rats – it’s cruel and we need to alleviate their suffering.

    The elite of the animal world – pets such as cats and dogs have it made and live lives of luxury and ease.

    It is not fair and these differences must be abolished.

  2. Hyenas: the antifa of the animal kingdom. Actually, I would probably rather have scientists wasting time and money on this crap than weighing in on issues that affect actual humans.

  3. I’d be more impressed with these “scientists” if they discovered an example of speciation within the animal kingdom where a group within a species separates from the others, considers themselves superior, and expects the other group to provide for their needs all the while claiming victimhood and discrimination. Now that would be a real find.

  4. “Baby squirrels whose mothers hoard food for winter are much more likely to survive until the spring.”

    How about big fat lazy squirrels who just sit on their fat asses all day watching TV and expecting free handouts? Did THEY survive the winter?

  5. Hmmmmm.
    For years we have heard from the leftists that we should follow nature and humanity is ruining the earth.
    Then they discover that individualism and survival of the fittest is rampant in nature. Then all of a sudden NATURE IS BAD!

  6. Years ago, I happened upon a very long, well-funded and apparently lengthy study which went into EXCRUCIATING detail to answer the question of why a certain species of desert toad pees before he jumps when startled. After two dozen or so pages of footnoted, annotated, single-spaced foolscap, the answer was “so they can jump further”.

    That’s it.

    Absent from the study was who asked the question, why was it worth paying for, what was the point, and why anyone should care. In no way was any of this applicable to any real world problem, and nothing of value could ever come of it.

    This “privilege” study is even stupider than THAT.

  7. @Rich

    Science, the media, and the government has identified these humans: white people……”example of speciation within the animal kingdom where a group within a species separates from the others, considers themselves superior, and expects the other group to provide for their needs all the while claiming victimhood and discrimination.”

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