NYT tells New Hampshire they’re too White – IOTW Report

NYT tells New Hampshire they’re too White

Big League Politics: The former paper of record has, incredibly, stooped to another race-baiting low, this time bashing the state of New Hampshire for being too white.

“New Hampshire, like its neighbors Vermont and Maine, is nearly all white. This has posed an array of problems for new arrivals, who often find themselves isolated and alone, without the comfort and support of a built-in community,” wrote Katharine Q. Seelye in The New York Times

Seelye relayed the story of a woman who moved away from Lynn, Massachusetts to New Hampshire and found herself in an “ethnic vacuum.”

“‘I went from being able to speak Spanish every day to not speaking Spanish at all because there wasn’t anybody to speak Spanish to,’” said Mrs. Celentano, who was born in Colombia to a Colombian mother and Hungarian father, according to The Times. “’The only person I spoke Spanish with was a cleaning lady and she moved back to Colombia.’”

How sad. This is the part where all white people are supposed to feel guilty for an immutable characteristic with which they were born.

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7 Comments on NYT tells New Hampshire they’re too White

  1. yeah New Hampshire! … what’s this 1.1 people murdered per 100,000?
    don’t you know the city of Baltimore, MD has 53.3 murders per 100k?

    … talk about your Watt Priblige!

  2. And the sign said hard working white people need not apply

    So I tucked up My race under My hat and went in to ask Him why

    He said You seem like a fine outstanding young Young man I’ll think

    you’ll do

    So I took off My Big fur Hat and said imagine that Me voting for you

    (Too lazy to write the chorus)

    And the Klan said you got to have a dnc card to get inside UGH!


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