NYT Warns Of Global Warming Floods Of Biblical Proportions – IOTW Report

NYT Warns Of Global Warming Floods Of Biblical Proportions

Noah’s ark during a rain and lightning storm. (Credit: Amanda Carden/Shutterstock)

Daily Caller:

The New York Times has taken warnings about global warming to a whole new level, publishing a three-part series suggesting a “potential apocalypse” from melting ice sheets if humans keep pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

“If that ice sheet were to disintegrate, it could raise the level of the sea by more than 160 feet — a potential apocalypse, depending on exactly how fast it happened,” NYT reporter Justin Gillis wrote of what some scientists predict could happen to Antarctica.

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25 Comments on NYT Warns Of Global Warming Floods Of Biblical Proportions

  1. I have a question I like to ask people that tell me how much the sea level will rise if our polar ice caps melt.

    How much difference in the sea level rise from the melting ice mass and just the expansion of the sea water from the temperature rise associated with that melt?

    They get all fish eyed at me.

    They don’t know the plain assed math, much less the future.

    Fuck ’em.

  2. They’ve discovered thousand year old cities that now lay underwater. Sea level has been rising for thousands of years. A couple ten-thousands years ago, you could walk from Florida to south America with barely getting your feet wet. The last 2mm of rise however, is blamed by your SUV, according to climate experts.

  3. Although they’re full of crap on the catastrophic anthropogenic global climate warming disruption change hootenanny, what they’re talking about isn’t the melting of floating ice, which would have little effect on sea level, but rather the melting of the Greenland and Antarctic ice that is on land, and would cause flooding. But it won’t do that. But you knew that.

  4. If Biblical floods occur it won’t be from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
    It will be righteous judgment for the murder of the unborn, acceptance of perversion, worshiping false gods and a Godless human race.

  5. The left will never accept this: God’s covenant with Noah was that he would never again destroy mankind with a flood. The rainbow is the proof of His covenant.

    I believe that He has now left that up to the democrats.

    BTW, it wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.

  6. I have a new conspiracy theory-
    We used to be geo-centric. Now we are helio-centric.
    The sun, nor our entire ‘solar system’ are static. The whole thing moves, in orbit, and is a major influence on our climate. This isn’t even considered by most. And where we’re moving to, we have been before. I’d say, ‘buckle up’ we might get whacked (again). That would cause another flood of biblical proportions. I don’t think melting polar ice would get us to that, and it looks like we’re headed for another ice age, anyway.
    yeah, maybe I’m crazy, but I don’t think so.

  7. Haven’t we heard this same fairy story before??? And from the same people??? And it ain’t happened yet???

    Sure, I believe in global warming…and global cooling….and climate change. It’s called seasons. And weather. And natural cycles (look up “Medieval Warm Period”, followed by the “Mini Ice Age”). What I DON’T believe in is AGW, the man-made stuff. And CO2 is NOT a pollutant….unless you like living on a desert planet.

  8. “Potential” is the weasel-word.
    Sure. Sure there’s a “potential” pocyclypse from Globaloney Warming. There’s also a “potential” pocyclypse from Nuclear Winter and a “potential” pocyclypse from Alien Space Invaders.
    There’s also a “potential” Golden Age of America from the election of D.J. Trump, but we don’t read much about that.

    Ever notice that for socialists (totalitarians, in general) Utopia, or Utter Catastrophe (depending upon how they are trying to bamboozle the public), are just around the corner, just over the next hill, or just across the next stream?

    They never tire of feeding it.
    And the imbeciles never tire of being fed it.

    izlamo delenda est …

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