NYT Writer With History Of Racist Tweets Urges Left-Wingers To Boycott NYT – IOTW Report

NYT Writer With History Of Racist Tweets Urges Left-Wingers To Boycott NYT


In an unconventional move on Friday, New York Times editor Sarah Jeong advised her followers that boycotting the newspaper that employs her is an excellent way to support “dissenting views” within the company. Dissenting from what, exactly, she doesn’t make clear, but obviously she must think something is very wrong at the paper of record if she is essentially calling for a boycott.

The tweet came in reply to another tweeter who bemoaned the cancellations as self indulgent, saying it does nothing. Not so fast, replied Jeong. In fact, she informs us, cancelled subscriptions are an important metric that the Grey Lady uses to distinguish between “real” outrage (scare quotes hers) and superficial outrage. read more

11 Comments on NYT Writer With History Of Racist Tweets Urges Left-Wingers To Boycott NYT

  1. This is one of the nastiest little bitches in print today and the NYT knew exactly what she was when they hired her. They can’t fire her now and she knows it. Punch Sulzberger Jr owns the place (actually the family owns the special voting shares that control the paper) and this retard has lost control of the joint. I’d bet in a few years you’ll see control pass over to Carlos Slim the largest Class A stock owner and, outside the cartels, Mexico’s dirtiest business man. He doesn’t have people killed but he gets a “taste” of every business deal that goes down. You may remember him from the infamous Obama Phone boondoggle that saw him supply all the phones to the program and likely a little something else to the Obama’s and their cartel.

  2. There, there, honey. I’ve been “boycotting” them for decades.

    When my daughter was visiting colleges, I’ve even grabbed a bunch that they were giving out free and disposed of them directly in the recycle bin.
    At each campus they were doling out that caustic propaganda.


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