Oakland, California teachers union forces charter school moratorium as strike ends – IOTW Report

Oakland, California teachers union forces charter school moratorium as strike ends

American Thinker: Oakland teachers, on strike for a week, ended their walkout when they reached an agreement with the school board that will increase their pay 11%, reduce class sizes, and enforce a moratorium on approving new charter schools.

The Bay area is the most expensive place to live in the nation, so the 11% raise was easily justified. Reducing class sizes is also a good thing. But why a moratorium on charter schools?

A similar halt to new charters was part of the deal ending the Los Angeles teachers strike.


The deal for Oakland’s educators is the latest of several strikes by teachers across major U.S.cities.

Teachers and students whose parents kept them home to support the strike will return to school on Monday. Schools had been open and operating with a skeleton crew of substitute teachers.

“I personally agree with so much of what the teachers have been saying,” Johnson-Trammell said. “We cannot fix decades of chronic underinvestment in education with a single contract, but this is an important first step. We look forward to working together, directing the passion and energy that we saw during the strike into a collective effort to increase state funding and build the schools our students deserve. In this, we are united.”

The end of the Oakland strike marks the most recent resolution to walkouts between teachers and school districts, starting in West Virgnia and including Los Angeles and Denver.

The agreement still needs to be ratified, after which the teachers will receive a 3 percent bonus, according to the union’s statement.

There is a nationwide assault by teachers unions on charter schools. Of this, there can be no doubt. And state legislators across the country are also looking at legislation to restrict, impede, and destroy the charter school movement.

It’s not just a question of charters using non-union teachers in many cases. Charters are a threat to the myth of public education in the US, that the reason for low achievement is because they have to educate all kids, even those with extreme poverty in their backgrounds.

In fact, it is the poorest kids that benefit the most from charter schools.


13 Comments on Oakland, California teachers union forces charter school moratorium as strike ends

  1. @Aaron Burr:

    Ignorance uber alles!

    Hmm. That raises a thorny question about the unionized commie teachers: If they know a lot, if there’s a lot of disinformation knowledge in their nasty heads, can we call that ignorance? Or is there an even more apt pejorative term?

  2. Even if you do more than a cursory analysis, you can only conclude that charter schools provide a net benefit to public schools by reducing class size and increasing the available money per student. But facts don’t matter to union thugs. Charter schools are an embarrassment to government schools, so they must be destroyed to keep the voters ignorant.


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