Oakland Fire Leader: I’m the ‘Thriller Love Child of Manson, Pol Pot and Hitler’ – IOTW Report

Oakland Fire Leader: I’m the ‘Thriller Love Child of Manson, Pol Pot and Hitler’

Breitbart: Just five months before the deadly Oakland blaze where at least 36 people perishedFriday night, Derick Ion Almena, 46, the man who is considered the brains behind the “Ghost Ship” artists’ colony claimed to be “the thriller love child of Manson, Pol Pot and Hitler,” and said, “I can proverbally [sic] get away with murder.”

According to the East Bay Times, Almena made those comments during a 1,000-word Facebook rant where he indirectly alluded to being a drug user.

“Addictions never admitted armed me as revolutionary,” he wrote. “… as long as i seek help and healing, have current registration, pay my insurance, piss in a cup twice weekly … i can proverbally [sic] get away with murder.”

Almena also took to Facebook one day after the deadly fire to lament over losing “everything [he] worked so hard for.”

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19 Comments on Oakland Fire Leader: I’m the ‘Thriller Love Child of Manson, Pol Pot and Hitler’

  1. saw this festering maggot on the news this morning, and all i can say is, i’d like to be one of the first to stomp this turds head into the fucking ground. and i’m in a good mood today.

  2. From my experiences in college with what qualifies as an “artist”, all I can say is that there’s probably no real loss here.

    By and large these people were the epitome of the precious snowflakes we’ve come to despise; pierced noses, lips, ears, and multi-colored hair. I personally couldn’t give two shits whether they died in battle on the front lines with ISIS or inside a burning building that rats wouldn’t have even if there life depended on it.

    I see it as a culling of the herd. These potentially drug-addled people were probably the weirdest of the weird, and their leader is an example of that.

    I’d love to see Hollywood follow their example.

    They died because they were stupid and self-absorbed.

    …but they were all diverse. Right?

  3. The UK Daily Mail report is horrifying. (H/T Anonymous/ above)
    If I were Law Enforcement I’d hobble that Almena fella with a tight tether. He may have Charlie Manson tendencies.

  4. Asshole whining about “losing everything” (never mind all the dead people) just wait until he gets sued for a billion dollars and convicted on 36+ counts of manslaughter.

  5. Do they have building inspectors and fire inspections in Oakland?
    From the looks of it that shithole should have been shut down.
    Tony R. If anyone is sued it’s going to be the Oakland taxpayers. I don’t think Almena has a pot to piss in. He should be imprisoned without parole.

  6. @Moe Tom “Do they have building inspectors and fire inspections in Oakland?”

    The mayor is crapping all over her own dildo. On Saturday she was trying to claim they “were only concerned the artists had a safe place”. Seems she was more worried over their psychological status than their physical safety regarding standard code.

    I will try to find her exact statement. Think it was during the brifing the morning after the fire and they were only sure of nine dead.

  7. So it’s not ok for some jackass muzzle tard to shoot up a night club that caters to others but it’s ok for a warehouse full of what you call drug addled people to come a flame and most of them die. Is that what you’re saying tsunami?

    I see you’ve lost your way too.

  8. I’m saying that from my experience, most people in the art community are worthless and do not contribute to the republic in any meaningful way other than to live off the welfare of others.

    How you conflate my subjective opinion with that of a sodomite follower of a political system that rules through oppression, murder, and genital mutilation, who also followed the teachings of the Koran to kill other sodomites is something only you can understand, I guess.

    I’m just calling like I’ve experienced it.

  9. ok, just wanted to make sure i was understanding your position on this incident. thanks

    but I’m sure their parents still loved them.

    and i still want to stomp on his head, he’s just up the street from me. heh

    watch your back Derick Ion Almena, because i’m right behind you and Lucille is itch-in for a game with your head. Batter Up!

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