Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf urges rioters to tone it down because she’s afraid they’re ‘helping’ President Trump – IOTW Report

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf urges rioters to tone it down because she’s afraid they’re ‘helping’ President Trump


Oakland, California’s anti-Trump Mayor Libby Schaff (D) is getting worried.

She thinks the “agitators” who are disrupting otherwise “peaceful protests” (Democrats’ tall tale) are causing more harm than good. She’s concerned that these “militants” are giving President Donald Trump the images and ammunition he needs to make the case to send his federal troops into liberal-run cities.

Mayor Schaff’s comments come on the heels of a recent vandal attack at her home where Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters covered the outside of her home in radical graffiti.

Schaff, who wants to “defund the police,” quickly called the cops after the attack on her home, claiming she was being “terrorized” and “intimidated.”

Of course, if that happens to your home or business, Schaff expects you to call a social worker to come over and chat about your feelings. more

23 Comments on Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf urges rioters to tone it down because she’s afraid they’re ‘helping’ President Trump

  1. I’m not sorry that the monster that you’ve released which is communism is not eating you last.
    Has anyone ever said I’m going on vacation to Oakland? Didn’t think so.

  2. More TDS. It’s all about Trump huh? NO, it’s about the fire the dems lit for THEIR constituents to promote THEIR candidate, Joe Biden, to get him elected. The rioters are hurting Biden, not helping Trump. Now they are doing pre-emptive damage control to put the useful idiots back in the box in hopes their election rigging will be successful.

  3. Elected Republicans across the country are complicit in this when they remain silent in the face of fascist mayors and governors who condone — literally join in with! — these domestic terrorists. Can you imagine pols of the 60’s and 70’s linking arms and putting out official statements that they stand with the Weathermen against the president of the United States and the police who are Constitutionally required to protect and defend the citizens?

  4. There must be more Mayoral homes that need vandalized, graffitied, “terrorized” and “intimidated.”
    Come on BLM, Antifa, your slacking off. How can you call yourselves protesters.
    Pick your targets well, because some of us are armed. Might not go well for you.

  5. Your utter worthlessness at keeping the good citizens of Oakland safe from rioters is what helps Trump, you stupid fucking cunt. The democrats are so lacking in principles that they believe every failure of theirs must be the fault of the latest GOP boogie man. If this happened 15 years ago, it’d be GW’s fault with identical language.

  6. Libby, you ignorant slut. How can you abandon your constituents, your citizens, your city, in a poorly crafted message of AntiTrumpism? Instead of “if you keep tearing up our town we will remove you forcibly,” you go all in with “orange man bad.”

    Sick. Sad. Pathetic.

  7. The Left revels in criminality and has no honor or reason to appeal to.

    The criminally insane trying to protect themselves from the criminally insane is a disgusting thing to see. I want her to suffer her fate.


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