Oakland Protestors Block Freeway (And Commit Other Acts Of A$$holetry) to Oppose Police Shootings – IOTW Report

Oakland Protestors Block Freeway (And Commit Other Acts Of A$$holetry) to Oppose Police Shootings

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Authorities say about 2,000 people in Oakland protesting deadly police shootings of black men blocked a highway and smashed windows.

The protest began with a mostly peaceful rally and march. Officer Johnna Watson says in a news release that about 1,000 demonstrators then headed to Interstate 880, bringing traffic to a halt.

Media outlets reported vehicles backing up for hours as demonstrators danced and played music.  more


[Different protestors, same type of assholes]

14 Comments on Oakland Protestors Block Freeway (And Commit Other Acts Of A$$holetry) to Oppose Police Shootings

  1. Blacks, like Muslims, will need to learn how to assimilate. Multiculturalism is a crock. It destabilizes society.

    Blacks, like Muslims, will have to renounce and turn in the terrorists in their communities before things can improve.

  2. it must be nice to have absolutely nothing to do with your day but riot, create mayhem, loot, attack white people, then go back home to smoke pot and eat popeye’s chicken bought with your ebt card

  3. Protests are ok, but as soon as your protest starts to interfere with the dealings of the people who are working to keep things running,(AKA the average guy) the police should break out the tear gas, batons, and rubber bullets.

  4. It’s a good thing I don’t live in Kalifornication. There would be bodies on the highway, and I’d most likely be in jail.
    I have an SUV with a roll back sunroof. Too, too easy to open the sunroof and start shooting. Strictly in self-defense, you understand. Yes, even though the protesters may have been some yards away, “I feared for my life, officer”.
    I can guar-an-damn-tee you that the demonstrators would clear out in a hurry (except for the ones shot), and traffic would be quickly clear to move to PRODUCTIVE things to do.

    Actually, I’m surprised that no one at the head of the traffic blockage didn’t at least attempt to run over any of these assholes. A few broken legs and crushed skulls would change attitudes in a hurry.

  5. Run the fuckers over. No one intends on running over pedestrians on the highway in a 65 MPH zone with no crosswalk. It would be an insignificant case of carelessness. Pro Tip: Turn on your windshield wipers.

  6. PH, this is Oakland California. Most of those folks have no guns, or the balls to use them. They would like nothing more than for the po-po to use lead rounds on them so that the survivors can pull out their hair and rend their clothes and whine about how the evil police shot down unarmed peaceful protesters. And the MSM would absolutely cream their panties at the thought of the ratings they would get by comparing that action to Kent State. Fuck that. Gas, batons, rubber bullets. Then arrest their asses, claim an overload of the system, and keep them incarcerated for a week or so, in general population, to give them a real look at the real world, then rape them with fines, fees and anything else you can think of, so that the next time they try to disrupt the day of the productive population, they may actually think before they do something stupid.

  7. “…to oppose police shootings2
    to OPPOSE police shootings?!?

    Give me proof – HARD PROOF – these a§$h*les
    were defending the rights of the cops.

    Nothing but disinformation.
    Just more Dindu Nuffins looking to burn sh!t and steal from others.
    They deserve to be shot on the spot.

  8. B-elligerent, L-ethargic, M-alcontents
    A minority of people of African decent, in this country, are no different than their counterparts anywhere else. It is no doubt considered racist to have this view. I can only formulate feelings through personal experience. How unfortunate it is that those feelings are reinforced daily by what I see and hear happening around the nation. The fantasy land where everyone being ‘Americans’, enriching the culture, contributing to, and supporting the land where we live that is continually being foisted by the media and the current government administration is just that, a fantasy. These people aren’t American Americans they all proudly carry an assigned designation keeping themselves separate.

  9. jagpald, i don’t call it racism

    i call it discriminating for survival

    god gave us a brain that teaches us to react to our experience, observations, and surroundings, and being distrustful around the black culture is normal based on this pervasive anti-white anger

    be non-discriminating at your peril

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