OAN launches FREE TALK 45 – IOTW Report

OAN launches FREE TALK 45

The next generation of social networking and community! No shadow banning or censorship—just freedom of expression, pure and simple. Sign up today!

Tired of social media giants chipping away at your most basic and important right to freedom of speech? Good news! One America News Network is proud to announce that we have just launched a brand new social media platform — freetalk45.com! Join today!

9 Comments on OAN launches FREE TALK 45

  1. What’s the difference between this, GAB, and Parler? Is Newsmax next to come out with their own social media site? Was Trump supposed to start his own social media site?

    Too many water coolers to gather around.

  2. I’m going to sign up, and my first post will be about Biden being a pedo, the Mooch being a man in a dress, and the Kenyan being a Kenyan. Any guesses as to how long my “freedom of expression, pure and simple” will remain uncensored?


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