Obama admin official linked to anti-Trump dossier to testify before Congress – IOTW Report

Obama admin official linked to anti-Trump dossier to testify before Congress

WaTimes– Former State Department official Victoria Nuland, who reportedly connected FBI officials to the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Trump dossier, will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee next week.

Ms. Nuland, a longtime State Department official who served in the George W. Bush administration as the U.S. Ambassador to NATO, served during the Obama administration as assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs.

In that capacity, according to the book “Russian Roulette,” she played an instrumental role in the evolution of Christopher Steele’s negative campaign research on then-presidential candidate Donald Trump in 2016 by giving permission for an FBI agent in London to meet with the former U.K. intelligence officer.

“Russian Roulette” was published earlier this year and written by veteran Washington media figures, Yahoo News reporter Michael Isikoff and Mother Jones magazine’s David Corn.  more here

8 Comments on Obama admin official linked to anti-Trump dossier to testify before Congress

  1. The public is watching. If this makes Andrea Mitchell and some other LSMers nervous, then it’s pissing off the voters for sure. It was a Dem run operation and it’s looking worse for them.

  2. She is living proof that the entire Bush Dynasty suffers from a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Victoria Nuland turned her coat when she worked in the Osmidgen State Department, so she’s a card carrying useful creature from the Barack Lagoon.

  3. The Senate Intelligence Committee (actually an oxymoran) is just another group of Never-Thrumpers, Rinos and Dem mis-fits. It will be yet another attempt to push the Trump-Russia collusion theory.


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