Obama Admin Talks About How They Beat Romney Before The Elections – IOTW Report

Obama Admin Talks About How They Beat Romney Before The Elections

We Are The News:
If Mitt Romney came clean, we would forgive him, split the money into the accounts to all US Citizens wiping out all our nations and individual debt and even thank him. Will Mittens grow a conscience and come clean? I am sure we, the people, would cut him a deal. T-5

Two accounts ultimately in the CAYMAN ISLANDS are the “slush fund” for all “Presidents” (except President Trump). These funds funnel money from many banks through a multitude of companies like Rosemont Seneca Capital, Rosemont Seneca Partners, Seneca Partners, Rosemont Seneca Technologies (Shared investments with EPSTEIN), Rosemont Seneca Property Investments (in bed with QATAR), and many more Rosemont names all funneling into the same CAYMAN accounts. In addition to Hudson West I thru V, Clinton Foundation, The Mooch, Open Societies, Epstein, Wexner, and many more – this is how BRIBES and Payoffs are done- GLOBALLY. Hunter didn’t have all the money – a UK company was funneling it. The same company even made and hid the Clinton Foundation money!

MITT ROMNEY almost took over its whole operation. The self-proclaimed Mormon wanted to OWN them and use their methods to take back power but not transfer it to the people but to people he thought were “better guys.” You can’t go to a gunfight with a gun – everyone is equally prone to get shot. The Obama’s had “bigger guns” – FOREIGN “guns.” MORE

16 Comments on Obama Admin Talks About How They Beat Romney Before The Elections

  1. Romney was told to throw the election, and he did. The Indonesian was thoroughly beatable, he just was told not to.

    That’s why he’s so pissy with President Trump. The President didn’t give up like HE did, and it made it obvious what a pathetic wuss Romney was by comparison. Every day President Trump was in office he was a living rebuke to Romney, and that chapped his ass like nothing else ever could.

  2. Just some time ago Republicans were chanting BUSH, a globalist goon who installed your chief Justice BTW…He’s young too.

    Does any asshole today really believe 911 was caused by simple sand people who hate freedom..? If you do we are in deeper than deep trouble.

    There is a simple rule: ” leave people alone to handle their own affairs.”

    Boy is it timeless.

    Instead we get islamaphobia, and whiteness sucks together….

  3. “Brought to you by your local school board that you pay for….”

    It is beyond the pale how our own taxes are used against US.
    The only descriptive words I can think of are absolute obscenities.

  4. I’m bored with American culture today with a the huge annoyance on the side. I’m pissed off for too long… FUCK!

    Know what I say to asswolves who want to get into everybodies shit..? FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s America..Simple and to the point.

    Jesus was not treated very well once the winners got ahold of him.

    And if you make it so that everyone else believes that the people who could not get off the ground, and even tried to steal designs from those who could are righteous people …. GO FUCK YOUZRSELZF!!!

  5. Well we knew the money to buy those books no one reads came from someplace and it had to be laundered.

    Obama is a piece of work. He sat there saying, in too many words, that they need to violate the Constitution by nationalizing elections. He said politically appointed bureaucrats are more trustworthy than private citizens. (Ya if you want to trust someone to cheat for you).
    He said politicians, media and companies need to rewrite our history and future.
    His ego is too big to not tell what he’s up to. Most people listens to his actual words though.

  6. Yea at 67 that is where I am at
    ANON TROUPER. God help young people.
    They will never see 1 cent from SS
    and will never have what this country
    has givin to me….


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