Obama Administration Denies Jerusalem Is Located in Israel – IOTW Report

Obama Administration Denies Jerusalem Is Located in Israel

The White House press office on Friday struck out “Israel” as the country in which Jerusalem is located when distributing a transcript of President Obama’s remarks at the funeral of former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres.

McClatchy reported:

The administration initially sent out a copy of President Barack Obama’s remarks at former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres’ funeral in Jerusalem, indicating that the remarks had been given in Jerusalem, Israel. But later Friday afternoon, the press office sent out a correction to the previous email, striking out “Israel” from the header of the transcript.

Obama delivered the eulogy at Israeli national cemetery Mount Herzl.

Official U.S. policy refrains from recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital until the conclusion of final-status talks aimed at creating a Palestinian state, ostensibly incorporating eastern sections of Jerusalem.  The State Department forbids Americans born in Jerusalem to list their capital as Israel, a practice reaffirmed by a 2015 Supreme Court decision.

An image of the press release can be seen here:

8 Comments on Obama Administration Denies Jerusalem Is Located in Israel

  1. Growing up Jewish in the 1950’s-1960’s, whenever Hitler’s name (or any other Nazi bigwig), was mentioned, there followed the curse words, “May his name be obliterated”.

    I say that regularly now about President Zero. He is an enemy of mankind.

  2. “Jews for Israel” will vote for Trump. The rest will vote for Killary. Depends on how many have seen the light. In my County the Hasidim vote in a block for whoever promises them the most. Killary was their gal when she ran for the Senate in New York. So it was, and so it always shall be.

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