Obama Admits Big Pharma Used ‘Billions of People’ as Covid-19 Clinical Trial Guinea Pigs – IOTW Report

Obama Admits Big Pharma Used ‘Billions of People’ as Covid-19 Clinical Trial Guinea Pigs


Former President Barack Obama claimed that Big Pharma utilized “billions of people” around the world as guinea pigs in clinical experiments.

Obama attempted to ridicule the “1 in 5 Americans” who have resolutely refused to be subjected to Big Pharma’s experiments by admitting that humanity was “basically clinically tested” in the production of Covid-19 vaccinations.

“Despite the fact that the vaccine has now essentially been clinically tested on billions of individuals across the world, about one in five Americans is still prepared to put themselves and their families at risk rather than get vaccinated,” Obama said.

Obama’s language is diametrically opposed to the rhetoric utilized by the global political establishment during the outbreak. Politicians, the mainstream media, and Big Pharma executives have all tried to convince the public that the vaccines were not a real-time experiment in which billions of people were injected with mRNA vaccines. more

15 Comments on Obama Admits Big Pharma Used ‘Billions of People’ as Covid-19 Clinical Trial Guinea Pigs

  1. But 4 in 5 allowed themselves and their children to be injected with god knows what, from companies that can’t be held liable if it causes death of life long complications and disabilities. The only good progressive is a room temperature progressive. Americans would not accept that kind of thing, but sheep would.

  2. One thing that hasn’t really gotten out yet is many people that suffer injuries from these vaccines have their insurance cut off because they took an experimental drug. So they are on the hook for all costs. We are all in this together until you get the shot, get injured and then you are all alone to deal with the fallout.

  3. The Pan troglodyte, I am willing to bet did not get the experimental jab. The Pan troglodyte will be laid to waste in November. He’ll fade into the background until 2024, then he’ll rear his ugly head only for it to be lopped off.

  4. More and more of them are admitting it was experimental, the HHS secretary even said it kills people, killing blacks and Indians at double the rate and more need to get vaccinated.
    If you haven’t been injected, after hearing this shit now right out of their own mouths, how stupid could you be to decide now take it?


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