Obama Admits Single ‘Regret’ For His Presidency (That he wasn’t pushier) – IOTW Report

Obama Admits Single ‘Regret’ For His Presidency (That he wasn’t pushier)

DC: President Obama gave a scathing critique of the modern Democratic Party at a fundraiser Thursday in Beverly Hills at the home of a mega donor. Obama chided Democrats for “moping” at “cocktail parties.”

Obama said, “If you are one of these folks who is watching cable news at your cocktail parties with your friends and you are saying ‘civilization is collapsing’ and you are nervous and worried, but that is not where you are putting all your time, energy and money, then either you don’t actually think civilization is collapsing … or you are not pushing yourself hard enough and I would push harder.”  more

19 Comments on Obama Admits Single ‘Regret’ For His Presidency (That he wasn’t pushier)

  1. Let’s be clear. His ego never recovered from the smack down in 2010 when he lost control of the House, much less a complete rejection of the democrats in 2016.
    He seemed to have ample time to hit the campaign trail while still office, yet in retirement? Nada.
    No, although he’s the cause, obama the albatross will never allow himself to be anchored to the sinking ship again.

  2. Engelburka – I just think he is lazy. If he would have had to write his own books, study for tests, of campaign for senate he would still be in a hut in Hawaii.

  3. … From the storyline … B.O. sez; “The majority of the American people prefer a story of hope. A majority of the American people prefer a country that comes together rather than being divided. The majority of the country doesn’t want to see a dog-eat-dog world where everybody is angry all the time.” I could agree that these are truisms yet, HE offered NONE of These things as President, because – ….. He Hates The U.S.A. Go To Hell and stink up that place, even Satan will be pissed he arrived.

  4. Did you hear what he told people at the $237,000 per person fundraiser he was at? “Stop looking back at his presidency wistfully….“Do not wait for the perfect message,” he continued. “Don’t wait to feel a tingle in your spine because you’re expecting politicians to be so inspiring and poetic and moving that somehow..”
    In other words, stop wishing I’d come back and give you the tingles……
    The ego is beyond any descriptive words I have in my vocabulary.

  5. “… these folks who is watching cable news at your cocktail parties with your friends …”

    he must go to some boooooooooring cocktail parties
    … on second thought I don’t think his idea of a cock-tail party is the same as we define it

  6. Lemme’ translate:

    “You all still want my d!ck, non of this is my fault, I would have helped you but I was too busy showing reporters my erection on air force one, keep donating, I’ll keep collecting. Thank you and good night.”

  7. He’s almost as broken as Hillary. Who’s writing this stuff for him to say? I thought he once said that he’d make a better speechwriter than his speechwriter.

  8. The media handed Ofucknuts the Presidency on a platter. They kissed his dick and his behind. The reasons that he did not write his books, and did not write any law articles while at Harvard, and did not campaign on the trail for Hillary (or for anyone else)… so much for gratitude to his fellow D’s is that he is supremely lazy (and DUMB).

    All he was able to do is smile, read a teleprompter, and be the puppet for the puppet masters.. Whatever they paid for this dinner was way too much !


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