Obama: All Faiths are Equal – IOTW Report

Obama: All Faiths are Equal

AT: A few weeks ago, the bloviator-in-chief moved his lips in another deathless lumbada of badda — another nugget of Obamaesque [un]truthiness.

islam coexist

His words: “An attack on islam is an attack on all faiths.” Outside a Baltimore mosque, he added, “When any religious group is targeted, we all have a responsibility to speak up.”

That goes double for you, too, Mr. President. And you have the means, and the daily morning update briefings, to be hyperaware of the true extent of threats against “religious groups.” And those under threat are far and away not Muslims.

But equal faiths is simply not so, Mr. O.

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18 Comments on Obama: All Faiths are Equal

  1. Obama is such a retard.

    He seems to forget the unique feature of our country is that we believe our right to personal freedom and liberty is God-given, not an idea hatched by John Adams or Thomas Jefferson. They were just the messengers.

    Therefore, all attempts to take away our freedom and liberty are an attack on God.

    So you’d better believe that I WILL NOT be honoring, approving of, or accepting as valid any religion that limits personal freedom and liberty. To do otherwise would be unpatriotic.

    And Sharia law? Fuck it, I ain’t down with that.

  2. All faiths are equal. OK,
    The Muslim Faith sanctions murder, rape, and brutality against everyone, even their own.
    Today. Not some mythical past era when folks were all ignorant; no this is today.
    So Barry, it’s just like the Insurance Industry:
    All Insurance Companies are equal; until you have a claim

  3. You wonder if part of the BamaStash is some sweets to pass out to brennan and jarrett and all the hundreds of other highly muzlo-sympthetic in the Bama admin., when America gets hit again.

  4. Just compare Islam’s five pillars to Christianity’s Ten Commandments. Night and day. Rather evil vs decency.
    The core tenants of Islam promote violence and reject personal freedoms. There are no other religions that promote evil – most promote love and tolerance.

  5. Barry is just doing his part in the worldwide 3rd Jihad. Saying what I know needs to be done would probably get me incarcerated. They will continue to chip away until the defenses are weakened to a point of uselessness.

  6. Anyone have a link to any story about mass killings of Christians by murderous pysopath Muslims wherein Obumbles condemned the murders, declared that all faiths are equal, that an attack on Christianity is an attack on all faiths, and we all have a responsibility to speak up ?

    No. I didn’t think you’d find one. It’s never happened and never will.

    Wake up and see what is in plain sight.

  7. obama, supporter and financier of islamic jihad, believer/practitioner of the false religion and false prophet, treating Christians with contempt & disdain while elevating the evil pedophile mohammad to the level of a prophet.
    Yep, sounds equal. Fool.

  8. I would love to see the teleprompter have Obungle Bunny say that Mohammad and the Flying Spaghetti Monster are equal.
    Pastafarians would rejoice, Muslims, not so much.

  9. Christianity is under constant attack in America, and in the rest of the world too. And Barry Hussein 0bama promotes those attacks using the federal government as his thug enforcers.

    Bake that cake.
    Marry those faggots.
    Abort those babies.
    Take down that cross.
    Shut up about the man in the women’s bathroom.
    Don’t you dare mention Jesus. …

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