Obama Ally Father Michael Pfleger Removed from Chicago Ministry Pending Sexual Abuse Investigation – IOTW Report

Obama Ally Father Michael Pfleger Removed from Chicago Ministry Pending Sexual Abuse Investigation

Breitbart: Father Michael Pfleger, a left-wing and partisan Democrat Catholic priest, was removed from his role heading Saint Sabina Church in Chicago, IL, on Tuesday, following revelations of allegations that he sexually assaulted a minor over 40 years ago.

Cardinal Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago, addressed Pfleger’s departure in a letter to Saint Sabina’s congregation:

I write to share some difficult news about your senior pastor, Father Michael Pfleger. In keeping with our child protection policies, I have asked Father Pfleger to step aside from ministry following receipt by the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Office for Child Abuse Investigations and Review of an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor more than 40 years ago.

Cupich’s letter did not identify the sex of the allegedly abused minor or provide any details of the alleged abuse.

Pfleger, now 71, has a record of left-wing and partisan Democrat advocacy and associations. read more

20 Comments on Obama Ally Father Michael Pfleger Removed from Chicago Ministry Pending Sexual Abuse Investigation

  1. This asshole should have been excommunicated 20 years ago for preaching contrary to Church doctrine. Too bad that sexual abuse is the only way to get these guys booted out.

  2. We have all had it with these fraudsters whether they are politicians, religious leaders, bureaucrats, etc… The time for talk is over, it’s time for justice to be served on these people.

  3. Sadly, I am all out of shock and outrage, having seen too many of these stories, involving priests of all political and theological camps.

    I have about as much faith and admiration left for the Catholic Church as I do for Congress, although I hang on to a faint hope that Christianity and America will survive in some form –no thanks to the idiots in charge at the moment, but because the believers in both cherish and preserve their own Bibles and copies of the nation’s founding documents.

  4. I think there’s more to it than that. He pissed off someone with some clout and this was cover for getting rid of him.

    He raped a boy, is my guess. Because if it was a girl, the male gay mafia wouldn’t give a shit.

  5. Hey, why aren’t all the media people shoving microphones in Obozo’s face, asking him to comment on his friend getting investigated? That’s how it works for us on the right. Rhetorical question; no answer needed.


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