Obama-appointee to federal bench dismisses lawsuit against transfer of park land to Obama’s personal monument – IOTW Report

Obama-appointee to federal bench dismisses lawsuit against transfer of park land to Obama’s personal monument

American Thinker: The monument to Barack Obama, the community organizer turned president, has vanquished the community organizers who attempted to stop its takeover of public land.

Federal Judge John Robert Blakey, appointed by Barack Obama and confirmed by the Senate in 2014, wants construction to begin “without delay” on the “Obama Presidential Center” (OPC) on former park land belonging to the citizens of Chicago. The OPC should not be confused with a presidential library, as it will not contain any official records of the Obama presidency and will not be under the control of the National Archives or any governmental body at all. It is strictly a private project, under the control of a board of Obama acolytes unaccountable to the public and will function as a monument to Obama.

In a move the Chicago Tribune called “surprising,” Judge Blakey used strong language to dismiss the lawsuit.

“The facts are clear in this case and the law is more settled than the parties are suggesting,” Blakey said from the bench.

“Everyone’s had their day in court. … There’s been no rush to judgment,” he said before declaring there should be “no delay in construction. This case is dismissed.”

He also dismissed criticism from the plaintiffs that the museum is a personal monument, not accountable to the public:

“The museum itself is the public benefit,” he said.

“The record is swelling with evidence of the benefits, not only of this particular museum, but also to its location in a park generally and to this particular location,” he said.

The Chicago Sun-Times adds:

Blakey announced his ruling after an hour of oral arguments at the Dirksen Federal Courthouse. He concluded in a 52-page written opinion that “the facts do not warrant a trial, and construction should commence without delay.”

However, Judge Blakey’s desire to see groundbreaking and construction right away is not likely to be realized.  read more

15 Comments on Obama-appointee to federal bench dismisses lawsuit against transfer of park land to Obama’s personal monument

  1. ” …lawyers for the advocacy group that filed the lawsuit, Protect Our Parks, immediately told reporters they would take the case to the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

    And before construction can take place, the project must also go through what has been a long-running federal review, mandated because Jackson Park is on the National Register of Historic Places.

    Once the review is done, there are more time-eating steps, including a public comment period to consider the findings, time to reply and time to weigh plans to mitigate adverse impacts, if any, caused by the development.”


    Even the new mayor wants a cut of the 0bama property.
    This is going to cost 10X what was given. That dump will never be built.


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