Obama calls for making America more secure by closing Gitmo – IOTW Report

Obama calls for making America more secure by closing Gitmo

…And putting terror suspects in your backyard.

gitmo terrorists

Sensing that there might not be enough time to release Gitmo detainees on an individual basis only to have many return to the fight, this morning President Obama outlined his plan bring them to the U.S. because of national security, or something: more

22 Comments on Obama calls for making America more secure by closing Gitmo

  1. Obama actually said closing Gitmo would save money. He cited $30 million per year.

    Assuming that’s true, $30 million per year will fund the government 247 seconds, or just over 4 minutes.

    That’s savings!

    When the savings are significant and the income generated from those savings is even more significant, wake me up for more math. Until then, jam the $30 mil right up your ass, Obama.

  2. I wish I was an artist like some of you guys. The Dhimwits keep saying Gitmo is a recruiting tool for Isis etc… Well yeah, I can see the recruitment poster. A picture of the posh “Club Fed” facilities, complete with lush new soccer fields, prayer rooms, foot baths, and tender young goats in the conjugal area! And then a picture of the smirking mullahs with a caption explaining that this is the “punishment” that Obama has in store for those who get captured!

  3. Take heed and make no mistake about this. He has been steadily and illegally emptying at every turn. It will be closed before the end of his term, he will turn it over to Cuba, who is now openly and vagrantly entertaining Hezbollah and welcoming muslim refugees who are making their way to the US by way of FL.

    Cuba in turn will allow Russia or Iran to operate nukes 90 miles from our borders.

    It’s going to be a long, dangerous year.

  4. It’s not about the prisoners at all, beyond them occupying real estate which Obama wants to return to Cuba in a grand gesture after the election. And Raul wants the prison empty so he can move his political prisoners right in.

    That is the end game. Not to be a robot, but let’s dispel.with the notion that Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

  5. After we won The Spanish American War in the late 1890’s we should’ve kept both Cuba and The Philippines as US protectorates and then we wouldn’t have this problem. And Buck Ofama, he’s the worst presidunce and the sorriest excuse for an American leader ever.

  6. Bet all the hookers in Olongapo City just over the bridge crossing Shit River into Subic (Pubic) Bay will love that. We should never have left Subic Bay in the first place after Mt. Pinatubo blew up in the early 90’s and Clark AFB as well. And boy do we need it ever again, it’s one of the most strategic deep water ports in the World if we get into a fight with the Chicoms.

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