Obama-CNN gun propaganda beaten in ratings by reruns – IOTW Report

8 Comments on Obama-CNN gun propaganda beaten in ratings by reruns

  1. think about it

    obama has done more damage to america than osama

    yes, our president has harmed america worse than the world’s worst and most successful terrorist

    the evidence list is long

  2. I hope people do as Ted Cruz and boycott his state of the union (pack of lies) message coming up too.
    They should have empty chairs there for all the people killed by terrorists and illegals. Obama’s Syrian refuge would be the only person there. It would be fitting too, because apparently that’s who Obama is working for. It’s certainly not for the citizens of this country!

  3. Hell, there’s way more reality on “reality TV” and in cartoons than in anything starring Teh Chosen Won, Barack Hussein 0bama (mmm… mmm… mmm…)!!!!!!1111

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