Obama commutes sentences for 330 more federal prisoners – IOTW Report

Obama commutes sentences for 330 more federal prisoners

WATimes: President Obama commuted the sentences of 330 more federal prisoners on Thursday, the second batch of clemency grants in his final week in office.

Mr. Obama’s action brought the total number of commutations during his presidency to a record-breaking 1,715, far more than any president in history. The offenders whose sentences were cut short Thursday were in prison for drug crimes, many serving life prison terms under stiff penalties imposed decades ago.

Earlier this week, Mr. Obama issued pardons and commutations for 273 individuals, including military-secrets leaker Chelsea Manning.

Of the 330 individuals whose sentences were commuted Thursday, 78 had been convicted of firearms offenses along with drug crimes. Some of the individuals were convicted of trafficking in large amounts of drugs. For example, Maria Aide Delgado of Weslaco, Texas, was convicted of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute 218.5 kilograms of marijuana in 2007.  MORE

13 Comments on Obama commutes sentences for 330 more federal prisoners

  1. 1,715 more community organizers (agitators).
    Treason, terrorism, gun offences and drug king pins get obama’s pardons.
    How many crimes over the next 4 years will these released felons commit?
    Another societal failure for Obama’s legacy.

  2. Since this is a glorious new day for entrepreneurship, maybe we can see Making America Great Again by more jobs for bounty hunters. Round up the criminals O’bumbo released and let the axe swing. Putting Americans back to work draining the swamp.

  3. “By restoring proportionality to unnecessarily long drug sentences, this administration has made a lasting impact on our criminal justice system,” … you got that right! Nothing impacts the country like hundreds of drug dealing pistol wavers being sent back to the street. I for one (alt-right, xenophobe, racist, bigot…) wonder if the demographic, and area data of the soon to be released is available?

  4. If the offense was for simple possession (a couple of joints) but it was a third strike meaning life then a commutation is probably a good thing however I’m sure there are quite a few in there where the original sentence should have stood. All of his commutations ought to be reviewed in detail and a website created where the results are put. In fact there ought to be a lookbackobama.com created where his entire career from his spotty academic excursions up to his stumbling through eight years of the Presidency is documented. Sort of like on online Obama Presidential Museum only dedicated to the truth. No rumours, no lies just the verifiable truth of this disaster of a man. Now that would be a fun site.

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