Obama Continues War Against Trump at the United Nations – IOTW Report

Obama Continues War Against Trump at the United Nations

Referring to the “most advanced democracies” in the world, Obama admitted to the world leaders that there was opposition from the “far right” on trade agreements and immigration.

“We see greater polarization, more frequent gridlock; movements on the far right, and sometimes the left, that insist on stopping the trade that binds our fates to other nations, calling for the building of walls to keep out immigrants,” he said.

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11 Comments on Obama Continues War Against Trump at the United Nations

  1. Oh, that’s rich. Trump is the problem. Not ISIS, not Hillary, not government overspending, not an anemic economy.

    It’s Trump.

    This explains my failure to vote for Obama twice.

  2. “….that binds our fates to other nations…”!
    Gee Barry, did you ever think that, what you call the far right, just might be the people who are sick of the bs you’ve been handing out for the last 6+ years?! That we don’t want our ‘fates’ boned to a third world country?!?!
    That the MAJORITY wants rid of you and your half-baked ideas?!?!

  3. Simplifying it to the lowest common demominator for the not-so-politically minded:
    Trump wants to have a refurbished kitchen ( America), so that cooks can come in again (jobs) that will re-light the stove of American economy.

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