Obama-Created Outsourcing Program Ending – IOTW Report

Obama-Created Outsourcing Program Ending

Breitbart:President Donald Trump’s deputies have announced they will soon cancel the work permits which were awarded to 100,000 foreign visitors under a controversial outsourcing program created by President Barack Obama.

The planned November announcement of the cancellation will be a boost to millions of U.S. professionals — young and old — who lose opportunities, jobs, and salaries to the many visa-workers imported by companies and investors.

Many U.S. graduates have already lost jobs and salaries because the federal government allows U.S. companies to outsource their jobs to a low-wage workforce of roughly 1.5 million imported college-graduates. The foreign workers — nearly all of whom are Indian or Chinese — get their work permits via several visa programs, including the H-1B and L-1 visa programs.

“Obama had no authority to make the [H4EAD work-permit] rule, and there was never any studies or research performed to see how the rule would affect American workers,” said Dawn Casey, who helps run the Protect US Workers advocacy group. more here

8 Comments on Obama-Created Outsourcing Program Ending

  1. That’s cool. So has the white guilt in-documentation program created by the MSM, We will see November 6th how Blacks are tired of being used and per-traded as non-caring Americans.

  2. Every day is like Christmas under this administration!
    Funny… that’s whut all the worthless, no morals, federal tit-sucking, unemployed, free-shit-grabbing, dope-smoking, barely aware, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, busted-ass, government-dependent, entitlement rich, uninformed, short attention span, parasites in lock-step with Stupid said when Jeramiah Wright´s God-Damn-America-hating, jug-eared, inept, lying, two-bit, Communist Organizing, Feckless Fruitloop wuz in charge!

  3. I hope that I see in my lifetime that Obama (aka the Zero) is proved beyond any doubts that he is totally worthless, totally unqualified and totally ineligible to have been the US president.
    May his name, his memory and everything he did be obliterated.


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